I have been averaging 210MH/s on each 5770. 300MHz memory, 950MHz core, 1.1V. I bought two for $100 each when I found out about bitcoin a little over a year ago (I only had nVidia cards back then). Mined in a pool for a bit until I had $200 worth of BTC to justify buying the hardware instead of coins directly, then I mined solo when the pool I was in kept going down because of lack of maintenance.
I learned about bitcoin after GPUs were already mainstream. I then forgot about it for a while with my 2x5770 just running in the background, and last week just used the 2 lucky blocks I found to pre-order a bASIC. Haven't been paying attention to difficulty, I didn't even notice I found the second block solo until 3 months after when I needed to reboot my computer.