Windows 7, Win64.
C \ windows \ system32 \ cmd.exe
C: \ USERS \ GAM> "D: BTC \ Kangaroo.exe" Nothing happens.
If I immediately start Kangaroo.exe, the Windows 7 Command Prompt (CMD) appears and closes immediately. How to make the program work?javascript:void(0);
Do this so you know it works on your machine/rig:
copy the below text, paste in notepad, and save it as a .bat file. Save it as kangarootest.bat
if you only have CPU
Kangaroo.exe -t 4 -d 14 -w 65save -wi 30 65.txt
if you have GPU:
Kangaroo.exe -t 0 -d 14 -gpu -gpuId 0 -w 65save -wi 30 65.txt
Again, copy and paste that into a text document and save as kangarootest.bat
Now, copy the below text and save it as 65.txt
make sure each line is it's own line...a total of 3 lines. Save it as 65.txt
Now, place the kangarootest.bat file, the 65.txt file, and the Kangaroo.exe file all in the same folder.
Double click or select the kangarootest.bat file and the program will start.
It may tell you that you do not have a certain file called, "vcruntime140_1" . If that's the case, Google that file, download it and place it in the same folder as the other files. Now, double click, select the kangarootest.bat file and it should work.
Let us know.
Cпacибo oгpoмнoe зa пoмoщь. Пocлe пoлyчил oтвeт в фaйлe 65save.txt
In three minutes I received just such an answer, and then please help.
20D0900 | 78 C9 C8 0A 68 33 DF 16 81 56 23 A6 92 E5 95 B3 13 C0 67 7C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00
20D0920 | 00 00 00 00