Hash: SHA1
Due to a chart reading error with Middlecoin, it has come to light that the Scrypt portion of this gb has been getting overpaid. Going off the historical chart, 0.1444 should have been mined so far by our rig (and 0.3737 by the Ant). The high payout amount is due to using the Middlecoin balance to calculate payments, not the amount paid out. This resulted in a 0.1061 overpayment for Scrypt (why payouts have been so constant even with the increasing difficulty). 75% of the difference will be taken out of the final Ant sale price, the other 25% will be left for the inconvenience. We will be switching over to Clevermining immediately, as they have stats to keep things like this from happening (although Scrypt-N seems to be more profitable, will be taking a vote in the next few days on if we should switch to that). This problem does not affect any of my other groupbuys, as they are all stable enough that I have been going off the paid out amount (as I can for this now that the GPU rig is fixed).
Please note that I am still fully solvent, I'm not running/scamming/breaching contract/etc, just correcting overpayments. Dividends will continue to go out as usual.
http://stratehm.net/#MainPlace:%257B%2522middlecoinDescriptor%2522:%257B%2522addresses%2522:%255B%25221DyUZo2FJb2ePYuJzocKLWUoHvfYz6rWuD%2522%255D,%2522globalCollapsed%2522:false,%2522displaySummary%2522:true,%2522displayBTC%2522:true,%2522displayPower%2522:true%257D%257D Here you can see what payments should have been (minus 90kh/s or so worth).
Please PM me with any questions/concerns, and I apologize again for the inconvenience
Version: GnuPG v2.0.21 (MingW32)
Edit: bad PGP sig fixed
And quick note: overpayment number given is after electricity/20%, amount that should have been mined is before
Double edit: one of my Gridseed gb's appears to be affected too, doing the same thing for them in the way of difference. Going to get payouts automated ASAP so something like this can't happen again
Triple edit:
Request for automation script posted