Sorry if this question is already asked(i check only few last pages of thread), but why pool grant less coins than intended / shown on the main page (Reward system).
I am use PPC pool now.
I check few times - reward always less. ~the equivalent of an additional commission of 5%.
For example i open (refresh) Reward system. It says Share value = 0.00866979. (i use RBPPS system)
Wait while miner complete next accepted share (or few but before new block change).
Refresh stats in account and count how many coins added (new balance - old balance, including unconfirmed, or just current round reward column).
In this example it was 0.0082 PPC per 1 share for me.
0.082/0.00866979 - 5.5% less if compared to normal Share value.
I check 0.00866979(number from main page) - it is a correct value to current diff at this block and already include 2% pool commission:
One more example (after diff change):
406.75*98%*8/370678.4=0.008602929115913 (0.00860291 on reward section)
From my stats
0.16459231-0.15641953 = 0.00817278 i.e. 5% less (~7% total commission)
Near the same was for TRC - but i not mine TRC now and not save exact numbers...
So what's going on?
Last real rewards (0.00820297 per accepted share) is almost precisely between RBPPS(-2%)=0.00862032 wich i use and PPS (-12%)=0.00774069 wich i never uses on this pool.
PPC. Here is explanation:
This is just rough estimation of reward not reward itself.
You must remember that during the round we don't know what will be the value of solved block. In other words block value changes because of algorithm of constant correction of difficulty. This is property of PPC and FRC.
And I'm just guessing what this new value will be based on value of last known solved block.
It is calculated like this:
Current round reward = 0.95 * Previous Block value
This affects share value as well.
When pool solves block we know its exact value and use that value in reward calculation. ( no 0.95 multiplier )
TRC has constant block value = 25. But there is another catch. TRC difficulty changes rapidly. Sometimes it increases/decreases by 50% in just 1 round. There are Coinotron rounds when network difficulty changed 3 times. Share value changes together with difficulty. It complicates calculations. Calculations based on number of submitted shares and share value at the end of the round give you in such cases wrong results.