Attempt to add "Find the difference between edited and unedited post" feature
For my
topic details, I just use
diff to see if anything changed.
One of the problems was that "Today" in archived quotes turns into the date after a day. And img-tags often give "false positives":
Image tags seem to change within the HTML code over time, so unedited posts with images might be marked as edited. I'm not sure yet how to tackle this.
This would be a very cool feature! While testing my "topic details", I noticed many people (including myself) do ninja edits, such as removing a space or adding a dot. It would be nice to ignore those, but as always lack of time gets me.
I guess you will get trouble because you are relying on loyceclub's database (it does not scrap data on editing time, not sure)
Correct. That would require re-scraping all posts. TryNinja is
giving it a shot.