Portfolio update. Your thought is really important for me
Cardano 22,91%
Neo 14,33%
Ravencoin 14,17%
Iota 10,38%
Ontology 9,66%
Nano 9,44
0x (zrx) 7,50%
Dusk Network 5,30%
Apollo Network 3,01%
Vidt 1,16%
Own (Chx) 0,62%
Morpheus Labs 0,58%
Lition 0,48%
Swarm 0,41%
i always thought ADA seemed really weak, my brother was super hyped about it, bought in a bit, i think he made some money off it?
Since then its been super dead tho, like most of those 2017 hype ICOs it seems : / im surprised your bag is that full of it
whats your
BTC diversity? you should prob just grab more of the big ones man unless you just really like to gamble. Eth is gonna be big in 2020, same with
BTC imo...