
Topic: Post bitcoin address of scammers here (Read 3437 times)

Activity: 100
Merit: 0
January 11, 2019, 10:45:59 AM
Scammer pretending too be a Refugee with children in a camp

please report address 1NVNeGryRdNycGEqDv8KqFwUHNpadScU3q to .
Activity: 416
Merit: 27
November 23, 2018, 12:35:29 PM
anybody think he is bluffing? becouse i stil can login with my old password.
but the mail is send from my own email.
i scan my phone and laptop wit maleware and virus scanners but found nothing.

of course its fake lol, this email has been going on for some time, never send any money to these scams
Activity: 1932
Merit: 2270
November 23, 2018, 09:44:01 AM
Hard to tell if FreeDollars is an Alt of Real14Hero - am pasting here for future reference.
Just to add this for reference, as Real14hero default on loan and has 2 scam accusation open:

Flashcoin wallet address or email address: UYqb2na4873pAHsa65ofwC8UM2DbcpswmU
Link to Profile:
Bitcointalk Rank: Member
Current number of posts: 90
Bitcoin Address to send the payment: 1AkSkSs8WKwacSPfGP27pvkKvHMnqqGckA
and in 2017. here

Real14hero used the same address here

Can I join sir?
Name: Real14Hero
Posts: 117 (Including this one)
Activity: 98
Position: Member
Bitcoin address:1AkSkSs8WKwacSPfGP27pvkKvHMnqqGckA
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
November 03, 2018, 08:09:10 AM
anybody think he is bluffing? becouse i stil can login with my old password.
but the mail is send from my own email.
i scan my phone and laptop wit maleware and virus scanners but found nothing.
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
November 02, 2018, 07:42:29 PM

I'm the‌ ha‌cke‌r who‌ cra‌cke‌d yo‌u‌r e‌ ma‌i‌l a‌nd de‌vi‌ce‌ a‌ co‌u‌ple‌ o‌f we‌e‌ks ba‌ck.

Yo‌u‌ e‌nte‌re‌d yo‌u‌r pa‌sswo‌rd o‌n o‌ne‌ o‌f the‌ we‌b-si‌te‌s yo‌u‌ vi‌si‌te‌d, a‌nd I i‌nte‌rce‌pte‌d thi‌s.

He‌re‌'s yo‌u‌r se‌cu‌ri‌ty pa‌sswo‌rd o‌f u‌po‌n ti‌me‌ o‌f co‌mpro‌mi‌se‌: haguvali

Of co‌u‌rse‌ yo‌u‌ ca‌n ca‌n cha‌nge‌ i‌t, o‌r a‌lre‌a‌dy cha‌nge‌d i‌t.

No‌ne‌the‌le‌ss thi‌s wi‌ll no‌t ma‌tte‌r, my ma‌li‌ci‌o‌u‌s so‌ftwa‌re‌ mo‌di‌fi‌e‌ ;d i‌t e‌ve‌ry ti‌me‌.

Do‌ no‌t try to‌ ge‌t i‌n to‌u‌ch wi‌th me‌ pe‌rso‌na‌lly o‌r e‌ve‌n fi‌nd me‌, i‌t i‌s i‌mpo‌ssi‌ble‌, si‌nce‌ I se‌nt yo‌u‌ e‌ma‌i‌l fro‌m yo‌u‌r a‌cco‌u‌nt o‌nly.

By me‌a‌ns o‌f yo‌u‌r e‌-ma‌i‌l, I u‌plo‌a‌de‌d ma‌li‌ci‌o‌u‌s co‌mpu‌te‌r co‌de‌ to‌ yo‌u‌r Ope‌ra‌ti‌o‌n Syste‌m.

I sa‌ve‌d yo‌u‌r e‌nti‌re‌ co‌nta‌cts to‌ge‌the‌r wi‌th bu‌ddi‌e‌s, co‌lle‌a‌gu‌e‌s, fa‌mi‌ly me‌mbe‌rs a‌nd a‌ co‌mpre‌he‌nsi‌ve‌ re‌co‌rd o‌f vi‌si‌ts to‌ the‌ Onli‌ne‌ re‌so‌u‌rce‌s.

Fu‌rthe‌rmo‌re‌ I se‌t u‌p a‌ Tro‌ja‌n o‌n yo‌u‌r syste‌m.

Yo‌u‌ wi‌ll no‌t be‌ my o‌nly pre‌y, I typi‌ca‌lly lo‌ck pcs a‌nd a‌sk fo‌r a‌ ra‌nso‌m.

Ho‌we‌ve‌r I e‌nde‌d u‌p be‌i‌ng hi‌t by the‌ we‌b pa‌ge‌s o‌f clo‌se‌ ma‌te‌ri‌a‌l tha‌t yo‌u‌ o‌fte‌n che‌ck o‌u‌t.

I a‌m i‌n su‌rpri‌se‌ o‌f yo‌u‌r fa‌nta‌si‌e‌s! I've‌ by no‌ me‌a‌ns se‌e‌n a‌nythi‌ng li‌ke‌ thi‌s!

The‌re‌fo‌re‌, whe‌n yo‌u‌ ha‌d e‌njo‌yme‌nt o‌n pi‌qu‌a‌nt we‌b-si‌te‌s (yo‌u‌ kno‌w wha‌t I a‌m ta‌lki‌ng a‌bo‌u‌t!) I ma‌de‌ scre‌e‌n sho‌t wi‌th u‌si‌ng my pro‌gra‌m vi‌a‌ yo‌u‌r ca‌me‌ra‌ o‌f yo‌u‌rs syste‌m.

Su‌bse‌qu‌e‌ntly, I co‌mbi‌ne‌d the‌m to‌ the‌ co‌nte‌nt o‌f the‌ cu‌rre‌ntly se‌e‌n we‌b si‌te‌.

The‌re‌ wi‌ll ce‌rta‌i‌nly be‌ la‌u‌ghte‌r whe‌n I se‌nd the‌se‌ pho‌to‌s to‌ yo‌u‌r fri‌e‌nds!

No‌ne‌the‌le‌ss I be‌li‌e‌ve‌ yo‌u‌ wo‌u‌ldn't wa‌nt i‌t.

The‌re‌fo‌re‌, I e‌xpe‌ct to‌ ha‌ve‌ pa‌yme‌nt fro‌m yo‌u‌ fo‌r my qu‌i‌e‌t.

I fe‌e‌l $900 i‌s a‌n sa‌ti‌sfa‌cto‌ry co‌st wi‌th re‌ga‌rd to‌ thi‌s!

Pa‌y wi‌th Bi‌tco‌i‌n.

My Bi‌tco‌i‌n wa‌lle‌t i‌s 1LBghwkgFUaYGGdEAfR9qFTL2PhbjAmcbg

If yo‌u‌ do‌ no‌t re‌a‌lly u‌nde‌rsta‌nd ho‌w to‌ do‌ thi‌s - su‌bmi‌t i‌nto‌ Go‌o‌gle‌ 'ho‌w to‌ se‌nd mo‌ne‌y to‌ a‌ bi‌tco‌i‌n wa‌lle‌t'. It i‌sn't di‌ffi‌cu‌lt.

Ri‌ght a‌fte‌r ge‌tti‌ng the‌ gi‌ve‌n a‌mo‌u‌nt, a‌ll yo‌u‌r i‌nfo‌ wi‌ll be‌ i‌nsta‌ntly de‌stro‌ye‌d a‌u‌to‌ma‌ti‌ca‌lly. My co‌mpu‌te‌r vi‌ru‌s wi‌ll a‌d di‌ti‌o‌na‌lly e‌li‌mi‌na‌te‌ i‌tse‌lf o‌u‌t o‌f yo‌u‌r co‌mpu‌te‌r.

My Co‌mpu‌te‌r vi‌ru‌s po‌sse‌ss a‌u‌to‌ a‌le‌rt, so‌ I kno‌w whe‌n thi‌s ma‌i‌l i‌s re‌a‌d.

I gi‌ve‌ yo‌u‌ 2 da‌ys (48 ho‌u‌rs) fo‌r yo‌u‌ to‌ ma‌ke‌ a‌ pa‌yme‌nt.

If thi‌s do‌e‌s no‌t ta‌ke‌ pla‌ce‌ - ju‌st a‌bo‌u‌t a‌ll yo‌u‌r a‌sso‌ci‌a‌te‌s wi‌ll ge‌t cra‌zy pho‌to‌gra‌phs fro‌m yo‌u‌r da‌rki‌sh se‌cre‌t li‌fe‌ a‌nd yo‌u‌r de‌vi‌ce‌ wi‌ll be‌ blo‌cke‌d a‌s we‌ll a‌fte‌r two‌ da‌ys.

Do‌n't be‌ stu‌pi‌d!

La‌w e‌nfo‌rce‌me‌nt o‌r bu‌ddi‌e‌s wo‌n't a‌ssi‌st yo‌u‌ fo‌r su‌re‌ ...

P.S I ca‌n pre‌se‌nt yo‌u‌ wi‌th re‌co‌mme‌nda‌ti‌o‌n fo‌r the‌ fu‌tu‌re‌. Do‌n't e‌nte‌r yo‌u‌r se‌cu‌ri‌ty pa‌sswo‌rds o‌n ri‌sky we‌b si‌te‌s.

I ho‌pe‌ fo‌r yo‌u‌r pru‌de‌nce‌.

Ha‌sta‌ la‌ vi‌sta‌.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
July 13, 2018, 08:59:41 PM
Webcam hack ransom scam received recently. Here is the text in the email along with the Bitcoin address the scammer requested me to send the money to:
"You don't know me and you're thinking why you received this e mail, right?

Well, I actually placed a malware on the porn website and guess what, you visited this web site to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching the video, your web browser acted as a RDP (Remote Desktop) and a keylogger which provided me access to your display screen and webcam. Right after that, my software gathered all your contacts from your Messenger, Facebook account, and email account.

What exactly did I do?

I made a split-screen video. First part recorded the video you were viewing (you've got a fine taste haha), and next part recorded your webcam (Yep! It's you doing nasty things!).

What should you do?

Well, I believe, $1900 is a fair price for our little secret. You'll make the payment via Bitcoin to the below address (if you don't know this, search "how to buy bitcoin" in Google).

BTC Address: 1Dvd7Wb72JBTbAcfTrxSJCZZuf4tsT8V72
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)


You have 24 hours in order to make the payment. (I have an unique pixel within this email message, and right now I know that you have read this email). If I don't get the payment, I will send your video to all of your contacts including relatives, coworkers, and so forth. Nonetheless, if I do get paid, I will erase the video immidiately. If you want evidence, reply with "Yes!" and I will send your video recording to your 5 friends. This is a non-negotiable offer, so don't waste my time and yours by replying to this email. "
Activity: 12
Merit: 3
December 11, 2017, 03:57:39 AM

Today my bitcoins were stolen by somebody. I had 2 unconfirmed transactions from last week. Trying to solve this problem I install Mycelium android wallet and exported private key from after that I have rebroadcast-ed these unconfirmed transaction with low fee. This did not helped me. Then yesterday I installed Bitcoin Wallet from here: and then exported private key to this wallet. Today I see this .

Last transaction was made for exact amount that I had from two unconfirmed transactions. I think last bitcoin wallet stole my private key.

The scam address is: 1NB3h2zyKVX4aPfXLp9pTffuUGa87KQpH6
Activity: 3668
Merit: 2218
January 26, 2016, 10:19:11 AM
Am parking here for future reference...

Great fast exchange.

Thank you!
Changed BTC successfully.
Fast exchanged.


What is with all these newbies spamming in this thread? is this service is real? Because feedback from fresh accounts who posted only in this one thread sure look fishy as hell.
Do we have any higher member who actually tested this exchange and can vouch for it?

I suspect they are all Alts of the OP - either that or they are paid to vouch.  Neither the OP nor the users posting here have left the other feedback / trust for their "trades" 

Neither has Legendary user anatolikostis;u=10258 who has left trust for other users elsewhere, so it's not like the newbies that he didn't know.

For someone who has been an active user for all of his 5 years as a member of this forum, he's used three wallets just once each

19uPXku4jHRtZiDDxemcXgfDCAiXxhLqG1 First posted on: October 26, 2013, 07:50:40 PM
1PmBwsRAjDrdXkJKu7jQdWWEeoY7zVQLuq First posted on: October 21, 2013, 08:07:07 PM
1NLtQgDhn7tR4SMyGWLr9bihLuFh6SCMX2 First posted on: June 14, 2011, 05:24:26 PM

The first 19uPXku4jHRtZiDDxemcXgfDCAiXxhLqG1 feeds the second a few times this wallet then sends coins to which if you search BCT lights up like a Christmas tree for multiple scam accusations.

(the last being to report the wallet of a hacker of Mt Gox in 2011!)

unfortunately, because the two posts are in Russian, I can't say for certain if anatolikostis says the first two are his wallets or not (given the second is used in a thread where he seems to be selling something, I'd say it's likely the 19uPXku4jHRtZiDDxemcXgfDCAiXxhLqG1 and 1PmBwsRAjDrdXkJKu7jQdWWEeoY7zVQLuq are both his.  Why he'd then be sending to a scammer's wallet is beyond me - Hacked perhaps?
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
January 22, 2016, 11:43:34 AM
Thanks for your help. I'll definitely keep an eye out for any scammers and let you know. Glad to see someone is actually doing something positive about something for once instead of just complaining about it.
Activity: 3668
Merit: 2218
January 18, 2016, 10:49:10 AM
Not actually a scam... never the less 1AkDaT1wcfFhKUUiWmscGaE8DW1UYCXcRJ

Quote from: FreeDollars on 23 June 2015, 21:34:11
Username: FreeDollars
Address: 1AkDaT1wcfFhKUUiWmscGaE8DW1UYCXcRJ
What got you started in bitcoin: Someone in facebook group post about Bitcoin (when bitcoin at price $400+) so I search about Bitcoin and interested with it  Smiley
Thanks for participating!!!

First time by Real14Hero

Bitcoin Address: 1AkDaT1wcfFhKUUiWmscGaE8DW1UYCXcRJ
Thank You

Some 20 posts with the wallet later...

Post count:295 (Included this one)
Rank:Senior Member
Bitcoin address:1AkDaT1wcfFhKUUiWmscGaE8DW1UYCXcRJ

Twitter: @FadilahOverLoad
Rollin wallet address: 1Jf9fdKkK5HMCwnzarZaiwqd7mYmirj4qp
Thanks  Grin

Twitter Post:
Moneypot Username: SempakNaga
Thanks Smiley

Hard to tell if FreeDollars is an Alt of Real14Hero - am pasting here for future reference.
Activity: 3668
Merit: 2218
January 15, 2016, 10:10:56 AM
Begging in two different forums at the same time...

Hey, I need $13 BTC urgently, paying with PayPal as Family & Friends.

1. Send 0.03 to 1BHUFgJbJbwHZ6yfkgXRRdU99ML6qZeRFr
2. Reply with your PayPal ID, I'll send the money ASAP I see your transaction.

Loan amount: 0.03 BTC ($13)
BTC addy: 1BHUFgJbJbwHZ6yfkgXRRdU99ML6qZeRFr
Collateral(optional): I have nothing to offer right now that could be of any value.
Repayment amount: 0.035 (can be negotiated)
Repayment date: 15.1.2016 (when I get my payment from CPA)
Why I need it: I need it to purchase a domain and hosting to host a faucet rotator
Activity: 3668
Merit: 2218
January 14, 2016, 11:16:58 AM
Scammer Family Tree for wallet 14PEM2XATEfefg9J4HoNqKuLQc9bLpccGY Engg.Chaks -> benq1 -> chemy
thanks indirectly to Quickseller...

Activity: 3668
Merit: 2218
January 13, 2016, 09:15:24 AM
Which in a straight line backwards came from a wallet under 24 hours ago with 19,034 BTC in it
This address receives most of its coins from: 3PkfTDKNtZVKyaZ4ZqnrvibZojbK7JyN68 which imo might belong to a pool.

Possibly.  I thought that "3" addresses were for multi-sig wallets or something, not quite sure...

But even still, the wallet I mention above was paying out an eye watering BTC 92 even at a time.
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
January 13, 2016, 04:39:55 AM
New address of Mine: 3E5KWppamQGkp8DaFdVLKGp4zeSBin5YRM
Activity: 952
Merit: 1002
January 12, 2016, 11:57:56 PM
Which in a straight line backwards came from a wallet under 24 hours ago with 19,034 BTC in it
This address receives most of its coins from: 3PkfTDKNtZVKyaZ4ZqnrvibZojbK7JyN68 which imo might belong to a pool.
Activity: 3668
Merit: 2218
January 12, 2016, 09:47:31 PM
For prosperity, francis19a (who I believe is an Alt of lokos1913a & polloptc etc) just posted the wallet - Final Balance    1.09823099 BTC

in this already locked topic...

My wallet btc adress 3951YBnEKb6FAXxEL4raxd8GPYKsp5DgV2

Which in a straight line backwards came from a wallet under 24 hours ago with 19,034 BTC in it

and the Skype address

Skype ; exchangesfastcarvajal

(Watch this space)
Activity: 3668
Merit: 2218
January 12, 2016, 12:22:33 PM
As posted here the Scammer Family Tree -> marcos258 -> ( funday and from10to1280 )

These two wallets were used by the above..


full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
I2VPN Lead developer.Antidote to 3-letter agencies
January 12, 2016, 10:20:55 AM
OK, I'll go first...

BTC Doctor

Date Registered:    21 August 2015, 08:54:20
Last Active:    23 August 2015, 01:51:52

Used the same wallet 1FRfReTYDAkq3FLz6PeF9qVwapQ2cxEoap in a transaction with me that

Legit User

Date Registered:    15 August 2015, 11:56:52
Last Active:    27 August 2015, 08:50:15

used here


Date Registered:    06 November 2015, 14:37:13
Last Active:    30 December 2015, 15:35:20

Used the same wallet 1PcmmEivy7jwgr6kALmbhB2bTMaaVUg4cC in a transaction with me that


Date Registered:    19 September 2015, 12:46:06
Last Active:    02 January 2016, 22:03:00

used to claim funds

and Hariom also used the wallet (post in a locked thread) but although he's removed the wallet from his post, multiple posters after him have quoted his wallet...

^ the first one with a real finding.
Activity: 3668
Merit: 2218
January 09, 2016, 03:46:42 AM
OK, I'll go first...

BTC Doctor

Date Registered:    21 August 2015, 08:54:20
Last Active:    23 August 2015, 01:51:52

Used the same wallet 1FRfReTYDAkq3FLz6PeF9qVwapQ2cxEoap in a transaction with me that

Legit User

Date Registered:    15 August 2015, 11:56:52
Last Active:    27 August 2015, 08:50:15

used here


Date Registered:    06 November 2015, 14:37:13
Last Active:    30 December 2015, 15:35:20

Used the same wallet 1PcmmEivy7jwgr6kALmbhB2bTMaaVUg4cC in a transaction with me that


Date Registered:    19 September 2015, 12:46:06
Last Active:    02 January 2016, 22:03:00

used to claim funds

and Hariom also used the wallet (post in a locked thread) but although he's removed the wallet from his post, multiple posters after him have quoted his wallet...

sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
January 08, 2016, 04:14:23 PM
This will just force the scammers to use new BTC addresses for every trade, which will make it harder for DT to mark pot. scams.
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