One thing to consider is that, very likely, we all make mistakes when posting, and I’m not referring to spelling and grammar, but rather concept or interpretation. Sometimes things can get rather technical, and mistakes are more prone to happen, but often it is down to being able to answer less promptly and determine the proper context first.
Here’s an example:
Just a quick stat on how many posts have understood the 1 BTC = 60 car thingy so far:
N.A. corresponds to posts that are not applicable to the stat, since they do not reference the car comparison. 'No' over 'yes' is pretty much fivefold, something to reflect upon.
In order to get the meaning we need to dive into the article. That being said, the confusion could have been avoided by referencing the context in the OP (since the car/btc comparison is the heading).
On a given thread on Bitcoin Discussion, the context of the heading was spotted correctly by a fifth of the posts that misinterpreted it (yes vs no in the chart). That leads to the thread being thrown back and forth between posts that are on the right track and those that are not, making the overall reading of the thread a bumpy ride...