Didn't they catch the guy? And wasnt some insider worker revealed all of it? I just figured by now if it was true, Karpeles would of confessed by now? I have to admit i didn't entertain the thought the guy could be innocent but if it wasnt a scam, why did he run with millions of dollars in BTC?
He hasn't confessed to anything. He strikes me as so far moved from reality he probably wouldn't give up anything after decades of exacting torture.
He's being charged with embezzling $2.6 million of customer funds. As for those hundreds of thousands of coins, that remains a mystery.
http://www.coindesk.com/mt-gox-ceo-claims-to-be-victim-in-bitcoin-exchange-demise/Thats crazy and i think the biggest damage it did to Bitcoin isint all that capital but all the FUD about how Bitcoin is for criminals, untrustworthy and stuff. Half the people i met in life that heard of Bitcoin replied stuff like.
"Yeah i don't buy in that BTC stuff, its shady as hell" or "What? The thing criminal use to transfer and launder money?" ;_;
But i guess if i was him, and betting on BTC in the future and i had 1.whatever million BTC stashed somewhere, i would also just do the few years in prison and then be covered by the stature of limitation. A few years doesn't sound so bad when you think you might be billionaire if BTC rise, by the time you get out.
Whats a few years of lazing around, being fed and lodged behind bars, to 50 years afterward of gluttony?