
Topic: [PPC] [XPM] Peercoin/Primecoin Weekly Updates - page 7. (Read 96148 times)

Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #97

  • HolyTransaction(, an integrated wallet/exchange/payment service provider, now support peercoin services. Give it a try Smiley
  • Peercoin marketing fund is now operational, it's an important step to further marketing effort in peercoin community. Proposals can be submitted at the fund's subforum here:
  • Many more projects are underway on peer4commit ( Since its establishment, peer4commit has become an important portal for organizing and funding community projects.
  • Let's give big applause to all the hardwork of the teams and community members to make all these projects happen!

Have fun!
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #96

  • Peercoin v0.5 is under development, currently work is being done on the checkpoint system. First step, user would be able to opt out enforcement of broadcast checkpoints.
  • There are many exciting development on peercoin and primecoin projects, stay tuned. Visit our forum and join the community in helping with different development projects, and ongoing marketing effort.

Have fun!
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #95

  • Peerunity v0.1.0 has been released by the peerunity dev team. See announcement thread:
  • Based on the consensus of project leaders of the community, I am happy to announce that sigmike is now sharing responsibility with me in the Peercoin core-dev team. Responsibility of core-dev team is maintenance and development of peercoin protocol and reference client implementation. sigmike has been a key member of the peershare project and peerunity project, who has also demonstrated exceptional knowledge of peercoin protocol and security.
  • There are many more talented developers/contributors in the community project teams, so we are continuing to evaluate and seek recommendations. Some of the key members are focusing on the respective project currently but could be joining the core-dev team at a later date. It's very nice to see the growth of peercoin dev community and the quality work being produced.

Have fun!
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #94

  • I have now opened the development branch of peercoin on the source code repository. Merge with bitcoin v0.8.6 has been done. The development branch is for testing purpose only and is not considered stable, so please refrain from using it on production systems.
  • I have done another community interview this week, transcript here:

Have fun!
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #93

Have fun!
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #92

  • If you haven't upgraded peercoin client to v0.4 please do so as soon as possible. v0.3 client has reached end of support. v0.3 client shouldn't be used any more, if you continue to use v0.3 it would run on a forked blockchain from the main peercoin network.
  • Primecoin now has a test switch against proposed v0.2 mining protocol. Miner developers (fpga and gpu especially) and pool operators please test with this new switch -v2compatible for future compatibility (
  • My interview last week at peercointalk with transcript here:

Have fun!
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #91

  • If you haven't upgraded peercoin client to v0.4 please do so as soon as possible. v0.3 client would be desupported on May 24th, and another alert message would be sent to all v0.3 clients to trigger safe mode, to prevent unnecessary losses for unaware users.
  • Primecoin difficulty is now approaching 11! As of today difficulty is around 10.96. It means primecoin network has been gaining computation power vastly in the last couple weeks, likely due to the transition from cpu mining to gpu mining.

Have fun!
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #90

  • If you haven't upgrade peercoin client to v0.4 please do so as soon as possible. v0.3 client would be desupported in a week or so.
  • Happy to see the community continue to gain strength. Come and join us at for discussions!

Have fun!
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #89

  • Peercoin network has been upgraded to v0.4 protocol.
  • If you haven't yet upgraded the client, please do so as soon as possible. Instructions at
  • v0.3 clients would reach end of support within two weeks. v0.3 clients would fork blockchain from the main network (v0.4) in about 20 days. This means nodes that continue running v0.3 clients would no longer operate properly with the main network.

Have fun!
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #88

  • Reminder that Peercoin v0.4 upgrade deadline is May 4th. Please upgrade your peercoin client within the week. It is recommended to upgrade as soon as possible, at least before Sunday May 4th 2014 14:00 UTC. Late upgrade would require manual procedure to redownload blockchain, possibly even more manual procedures such as wallet repair, key export/import etc. should wallet discrepancy occurs due to running on a forked v0.3 blockchain.
  • Our community team is contacting peercoin service providers to confirm their upgrade to v0.4, to ensure timely upgrade from the service providers without service disruption. If you are a service provider please feel free to post confirmation message to the relevant discussion at
  • Due to numerous new service providers emerging in the industry, we feel that extra step is needed to further protect service providers in case they miss the upgrade deadline. On May 5th around the protocol switch time, another alert message is planned to be sent to all v0.3 clients, while triggering safe mode on all v0.3 clients. This means v0.3 clients would stop sending transactions by default, unless overridden manually by configuration setting 'safemode=0'.

Have fun!
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #87

  • Reminder that Peercoin v0.4 upgrade deadline is May 4th. Please upgrade your peercoin client within next two weeks.
  • We are trying to confirm with major service providers about their upgrade schedule/status. If you are a service provider, you are welcome to confirm with me at [email protected], or post to the forum thread:

Have fun!
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #86

  • Peercoin v0.4 release is now in the upgrade window. Upgrade deadline is May 4th. Please visit peercointalk forum for more information and instructions:
  • Alert message has been sent to all v0.3 peercoin clients.
  • Recently there have been multiple GPU mining development for Primecoin. Primecoin is designed to be a powerful network for scientific computing and the first to bring such technology to cryptocurrency world. It's expected Primecoin network would migrate to GPU mining and ASIC mining just like Bitcoin did. Prime algorithm hardwares are important contribution to computation technology in general. We certainly welcome such development. In the next primecoin release, the proposed v0.2 protocol would be readied on testnet so mining developers could test against v0.2 protocol to ensure future compatibility.

Have fun!
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #85

Have fun!
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #84

Have fun!
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #83

  • Peercoin testnet has now been switched to v0.4.0 protocol. Testnet operation will be monitored closely this week. If you run a testnet node and haven't upgraded yet, you would need to redownload blockchain for it to work properly. Please visit for latest progress at

Have fun!
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #82

  • Peercoin v0.4 release candidate has been released. Please refer to the v0.4 schedule announced last week and follow the release status on
  • Release candidate is for testnet upgrade with deadline on March 24.
  • If testnet upgrade goes smooth, main release should be ready around April 5 with upgrade deadline on May 5.
  • If you are a service provider of peercoin feel free to test it on testnet.

Have fun!
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #81

  • Peercoin v0.4 release candidate final round of testing has been completed. Release candidate will be cut and build started tomorrow. Expect release candidate this week for distribution. Release schedule is now fixed as following:
  • 2014-MAR-24 Peercoin v0.4rc1 release candidate testnet upgrade deadline and testnet protocol switch
  • 2014-APR-05 v0.4 release for distribution
  • 2014-MAY-05 v0.4 upgrade deadline and network protocol switch
  • Peercoin v0.4 release progress can be followed on

Have fun Smiley
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #80

  • Peercoin v0.4 is going through final round of validation. Release candidate will be announced in a few days once all tests complete and build starts. The upgrade schedule will be fixed before release candidate according to what I described last week.
  • If you run exchange or mining pool please consider dropping me an email at [email protected] to receive updates of peercoin v0.4 upgrade via email. As standard practice upgrade message will be sent to daemons (shown in 'getinfo') and thread posted to forum. But you could also choose to get dev technical support in email. If you think the currently planned 4-week upgrade window for main release is not long enough, please also contact me as soon as possible.
  • Mikael has released hp12 client for primecoin. hp series primecoin clients are high performance mining versions of primecoin client, developed and currently maintained by Mikael and used by some pool mining software such as primeminer. Miners can choose to donate to Mikael in hp12 release by explicitly setting a configuration parameter.

Have fun!
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #79

  • Since peercoin v0.4 is a planned mandatory upgrade, and due to peercoin's popularity it is now supported on so many different exchanges that I have lost count of. It's prudent to take a cautious approach to this release. Here is the proposed release plan:
  • Week 1: Peercoin v0.4 release candidate for testnet deployment
  • Week 2: Release candidate upgrade window for testnet
  • Week 3: Post upgrade testnet validation
  • Week 4: Peercoin v0.4 release for mainnet deployment
  • Week 5-8: v0.4 release upgrade window
  • Week 9: upgrade deadline and v0.4 protocol switch

Have fun!
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1010
Weekly Update #78

  • I will transfer my primecoin website responsibility to super3 soon. The current website will be moved to a subdomain for backup purpose.
  • Peercoin v0.4 is under final development and testing. Since this is a mandatory upgrade release, users would be given ample time to upgrade before a scheduled protocol switch time, which should be at least 4 weeks after release.

Have fun!
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