I don't think the fact that ppcoin has a 1% annual return for creating proof of stake blocks makes it not deflationary, it's really no different from bitcoin in that way. First of all, the new coins go to the holders of coins so there still isn't the incentive to spend that inflation normally creates. If an apple is $1 today and will be $1.01 tomorrow, but my $1 will turn itself into $1.01 by tomorrow, then I'm in no hurry to buy that apple today. Second, ppcoin would have max 1% money supply growth long term (probably less since not all coins make stake) and you'd still have deflation with that I believe. The money supply for fiat currencies grows a lot faster than that over time.
I would not invest in a stock notated in bitcoin, that operates in the real/non-cryptocurrency world. Because the expected growth of the buying value of bitcoin exceeds every realistic possible earning growth of any imaginable real world business including drug, weapon or sexslave trade.
Which means, that the a bitcoin notated stock will always lose value, calculated in bitcoin. Which gives
not to invest the higher EV. You can watch this on bctc.co. Maybe stocks operating only in the bitcoin economy like mining or crypto currency trading are an exception.
It had a reason, why the German Central Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank) in former decades, when they were much more indepedent from politics and really concerned about german economy (like a doctor acting in the sense of Hippocrates), came to the conclusion, that a currency with a slight inflation is the best for economic growth and strength. Maybe there are even better concepts about this (deflation, american economy in the late 19th centrury), but the success of german economy in former decades prove them more or less right.
And again, I strongly vote for a name change to dCoin. Or something without "coin", that sounds like strategic metall, similar to "Tantalum", "Tungsten" or "Aurum". No idea n this direction, yet. The name Peer-To-Peer-Coin comes from a technical angle, which is - as Sunny King is an excellent engineer - a totally natural choice. But most people do not think functional in logic terms. They think associative and emotional and will not accept this name, because they think of pee-pee.
I looked into the dictonary for "pee-pee". In the sense suggested there (dict.leo.org) even
CockCoin would be better. Good to know the meaning of pee-pee, I associated it with the german word "pipi", which is the word children and childish people use for urine.