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Limited Edition Prodecurally generated Waifu NFTs on the Binance Smart Chain.
Hair coming soon
Countdown to Gen 1 NFT Minting Has Begun!NFT Asset Design is Now 99% COMPLETE!Waifu #1 to #10 Giveaway!We are giving away the very first Crypto Waifu NFT (Genesis Waifu Super-Rainbow Shiny #1) to the person who provides the most liquidity before May 11th. 9 more NFTs (Genesis Waifu Plain) will be given to liquidity providers in the community.
* Genesis Waifu Super-Rainbow Shiny #1

* Genesis Waifu Plain #2 - #9

SocialsDiscordTelegramTwitterRedditMediumHackerNoonInstagramIntroductionCrypto Waifus is a procedurally generated NFT collection of anime waifus, created by professional artists. You can soft-mint a collection of crypto waifus before committing to mint them on the binance smartchain. There is a limited collection of super rare Gen 1 Waifus, of up to 10,000, before Gen 2 waifu minting begins. Up to 255 generations of crypto waifus can be generated. We have many themes planned for the near future!
Crypto Waifus is powered by a Governance token. We plan to control minting of future generations of waifus using complete on-chain governance, based on the compound governance protocol! The team is equal parts blockchain engineers, professional digital artists and cryptocurrency marketers - each with a deep technical understanding of NFTs and the blockchain space. We cannot wait to see how far we can take these Waifu NFTs
UWU Governance Token Details💢 Token Name: UWU Token
💢 Ticker: UWU
💢 Max Supply: 200,000
💢 Bounty Program? Yes
💢 On-chain Governance? Yes, planned
💢 1 UWU = 1 Waifu NFT
💢 Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
💢 50% token burn when NFT is minted
💢 First Liquidity Pool on Pancake Swap
💢 Gen 1 Waifu Mint Starts May 11th 2021
RoadmapMay 11th 2021Gen 1 Waifu Minting Commences!
June 1st 2021Opensea Integration
1st July 2021Independence Day Waifu Minting Available
1st October 2021Halloween Waifu Minting Available
1st December 2021Halloween Waifu Minting Available
Gen 1 Waifu RaritiesACCESSORIES
Rank | Scarcity | Attribute | 1 | 0.01% | Cat Ears | 2 | 1% | Halo | 3 | 1% | Horns | 4 | 1% | Choker Collar | 5 | 1% | Eyepatch | 6 | 1% | Nose Bandaid | 7 | 10% | Lace Choker | 8 | 10% | Hair Bow | 9 | 10% | Headphones | 10 | 15% | Hairpin | 11 | 15% | Necklace | 12 | 15% | Two Bows | 13 | 20% | Nothing |
Rank | Scarcity | Attribute | 1 | 0.01% | Light Blue | 2 | 2.5% | Chalk | 3 | 2.5% | Onyx | 4 | 7.5% | Warm Ivory | 5 | 7.5% | Light Ivory | 6 | 10% | Espresso | 7 | 10% | Honey | 8 | 10% | Porcelain | 9 | 15% | Alabaster | 10 | 15% | Band | 11 | 20% | Sienna |
Rank | Scarcity | Attribute | 1 | 0.01% | Pigtails | 2 | 2.5% | Single Plaid | 3 | 2.5% | Plaid Tails | 4 | 2.5% | Bob cut | 5 | 2.5% | Layered Short | 6 | 10% | Very Long Straight | 7 | 10% | Very Long Flowing | 8 | 15% | Long Straight | 9 | 15% | Long Flowing | 10 | 20% | Medium Straight | 11 | 20% | Medium Flowing |
Rank | Scarcity | Attribute | 1 | 0.01% | Pink | 1 | 0.01% | Blue | 1 | 0.01% | Green | 2 | 2.5% | Silver | 3 | 2.5% | White | 4 | 5% | Purple | 5 | 7.5% | Ruby | 6 | 7.5% | Ginger | 7 | 10% | Strawberry Blonde | 8 | 10% | Platinum Blonde | 9 | 10% | Dirty Blonde | 9 | 10% | Mouse Brown | 10 | 15% | Brown | 11 | 20% | Black |
Rank | Scarcity | Attribute | 1 | 0.01% | Enormous | 2 | 0.01% | Flat | 3 | 2.5% | Huge | 4 | 2.5% | A Cup | 5 | 10% | Very Large | 6 | 20% | Large | 7 | 20% | Medium | 8 | 20% | Small | 9 | 25% | Tiny |
Rank | Scarcity | Attribute | 1 | 0.01% | Maid Cafe | 2 | 0.01% | Dungeon | 3 | 0.01% | Classroom | 4 | 2.5% | Bedroom | 5 | 2.5% | Park | 6 | 15% | Pale Blue | 7 | 15% | Pale Pink | 8 | 15% | Pale Green | 9 | 50% | White |
| Face
Rank | Scarcity | Attribute | 1 | 0.01% | Aheago Climax | 2 | 2.5% | Aheago | 3 | 2.5% | Pleading | 4 | 2.5% | Tsundere | 5 | 7.5% | Winking | 6 | 7.5% | Blushing | 7 | 7.5% | Smiling | 8 | 10% | Grinning | 9 | 10% | Smizing | 10 | 10% | Cute Frown | 11 | 20% | Neutral Smile | 12 | 20% | Neutral Grumpy |
Rank | Scarcity | Attribute | 1 | 0.01% | Double Shiny | 2 | 1% | Shiny | 3 | 99% | Plain |