So this is what we gonna do to the guy who created the best payment method for us ? Bitcoin ? I see.
Violence necessarily underpins peace, at least in a game theory sense.
If I want what you have, if I can overpower you there's nothing to stop me from taking it. Only if you can defend yourself (or ally with strong friends), can you stop me.
It is the threat of violence and the threat of the ability to defend one's self with violence that is at the heart of cooperation. Without the threat of violence, there is no incentive towards cooperation.
Martial artists aren't joking when they say "I learn this so that I never have to use it." If somebody knows you can defend yourself, they don't even attempt to mess with you in the first place.
Cooperation only happens when it is mutually beneficial to all parties. And it is only more beneficial than taking what you want if taking what you want is more difficult than cooperating.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating violence. This is a good thing. This teaches us how to think about properly aligning incentives in order to deter violence.
Think about the game of "chicken" where two people drive their cars straight at each other. The way to "win" that (horribly stupid) game is to detach your steering wheel and cut your break lines and make sure the other guy witnesses you doing those two things. Now he knows *for sure* that you will not swerve at the last moment.