As a dutch guy, I can officially say this is a scam L
the fact this guy even claims he can open up a new "store" where you can sell weed and hash is really funny
The dutch government has been closing down coffeeshops over the past 10 years, New ones arent allowed to be created.
his hash is just bought at the coffeshop, for about 20 euro is my estimation.. dont fall for this trick hahaha
unless you can post some legal documents about this in here... I consider this a scam.. and a bad one too
I live near amsterdam myself, give me an address and I will verify for everyone here
This is a totaly false statement you claim.
Please do not post if you do not know the rules.
In Holland it is the Gemeente who give out permits, not the government.
Closing shops? How come they are opening shops in Almere!? There is one called Domino it opened its Doors not to long ago.
In the city of Amsterdam yes it is full with coffeeshops and there will be no more new ones but if you want to take over an existing shop that is still possible.
The hash you see on the pics is 30gr of Afghani there is no way in hell you can get that for 20€
Also limit per day you can buy at the shop is 5gr!
Please do not post if you don't know what you are talking about.
The government started a campaign to close down cofeeshops for the last 10 years. It is true the "gemeente"(local government) gives out permissions, but not in amsterdam, only in citys where there is demand for a coffeeshop, and the first coffeeshop is further away then ~40km. And even then 90% are declined.
Taking over somebody else his coffeeshop is the only way to get in the business.. and even then, it is not without a fight with the local government. And you have to dig DEEP in your pockets (Trust me, I have been there)
You are stating here you are opening up a new coffeeshop in the region of amsterdam, this is not possible
Kan ik in Amsterdam een nieuwe coffeeshop beginnen?
Nee. In Amsterdam kunt u geen nieuwe coffeeshop beginnen. De lijst met bestaande coffeeshops wordt niet uitgebreid. Alleen de overname van een bestaande coffeeshop is mogelijk.
Can I open a new coffeeshop in Amsterdam?
No, you can not start a new coffeeshop in Amsterdam. De current list with coffeeshops will not be extended. Taking over an existing coffeeshop is an option
Please prove me wrong with confirmed documents of the local government. Thanks
And that my friend, is not ~30 grams, you cant fool a lifetime long pothead