Hours Crypto-Currency/Token
Create a crypto-currency/token which represents hours earned or worked in a community service role or project. For each hour worked, a crypto-token is issued to the user/groups/organization's account (assosciated wallet 'address'). These 'hours' could in theory be used as compensation for jury duty, and credit towards service hours for probation. The possibility of 'hours' creating a micro-economy for community service is as follows: 'hours' can be sold at market prices on public exchanges, as well as integrating with marketplaces to exchange 'hours' for goods, and services. This in effect incentives' altruism by providing an economic benefit to community service.
Specifications:The total supply of hours = the maximum limit for potential time worked.
No more than 40 hours can be earned per week per individual.
Proof of Physical Work *PoPW colored cross-chain coin built on both Ethereum and Expanse. The reason for a cross-chain platform is for additional security and decentralization.
Community Service Data Aggregate [*CSDA]Compiles resources for community service that directly benefit and enrich the local & global communities. Allows users to network and form teams to create and execute projects; and provide community services (emergency, conservation, etc) and resources (food, clothing, housing, land, etc). The community service data aggregate should in theory be able to connect the efforts of organizations such as the food banks, universities, probation, churches, etc. and delegate projects/jobs such as wildlife conservation, trash/debris cleanup, food/clothing/general goods distribution, public transportation, community events, *community jobs.
The *CSDA serves an integral role in the creation of 'hours'. The 'mining' process for hours is proof of physical work (*PoPW) represented by real world human capital/sweat equity. To create 1 hour's cryptocurrency, an individual must perform 1 hour of community service oriented work. The *CSDA could be utilized by niche *DApps which allows community jobs to be created and workers compensated.
In an effort to scale the system, and prevent exploitable weaknesses in the mechanics of hours, the following account limits will be proposed:
1000 hours = limited to earning 40 hours per week. Administrative functions: create projects, delegate tasks, validation processes.
300 hours = limited to earning 30 hours per week. Access to community jobs requiring a higher level of responsibility and trust.
50 hours = limited to earning 20 hours per week. Access to community jobs requiring a lower level of responsibility and trust.
0 hours = limited to earning 10 hours per week. Access to community jobs requiring the lowest level of responsibility and trust.
Initial Coin Donation Offering [ICDO]An initial supply of 100,000 hours will be created and distributed by the Community Service Hours Foundation. Individuals within the crypto-community space will have the opportunity to make donations to the *CSHF, and be recognized as founders/contributors. For every .1 bitcoin, or 5 ethereum donated: 10 hours will be awarded to the respective donors. This initial supply will be utilized to build liquidity in markets and prove the transactional utility of 'hours', aswell as provide the initial injection of capital to finance research and development.
Benefits of earning hours:
-Flexible on demand jobs.
-Discounts to users from participating businesses
Benefits of holding hours:
-Allows user's weighted voting for the internal processes of the *CSHF.
-Increases the demand for the micro-economy of community service.
Benefits of using hours:
-Philanthropic persons and entities can engage and finance community service projects in a transparent way.
-Purchasing hours should be viewed as a charitable donation. Use the transaction id for income tax deductions.
Decentralized Autonomous Non-Profit OrganizationCommunity Service Hours Foundation [*CSHF]- Development/budget oversight
- Administrative/executive function for 'hours'
- Public relations
- DApp consulting/marketing/integration
Decentralized Apps [*DApps]:Community Resource Management & DistributionVolunteer Emergency System- Peer to peer emergency response network
- Real time notification/alert system
*provides community jobs/*PoPW
Alternative Courts Systems 2.0- Peer to peer court
- Court id/user interface
- Autonomous lawyer system
- Jury video conferencing/voting
- Database explorer
*provides community jobs/*PoPW
Discussion thread:
This is the 'New Deal' of crypto-economics, essentially materializing jobs through networks.
More details coming soon...