For a project to have success nowadays, it needs skilled devs with exceptional coding skills. While you are already an amazing coder jut to get a command-line wallet and daemon running, how can we trust you to implement a complex interest deposits system if you don't know how to make a GUI wallet? When you implement a deposits system with interests in the future, will you again need to go out and look for someone else to make the GUI version for you?
I wish you much luck, but I think you need a permanent team member who can make GUI software, otherwise your GUI releases will always be far behind.
Being that said, I have to remark this is a PRE-ANN
I appreciate the response and like I said, I admire that you are even able to get as far as launching a coin in the first place. Something I could never do. But like you said, "a GUI wallet is a must have" so I hope when you say you are "focused on other things" you have balanced your priorities . I'm sure you're working on cool stuff - a freelance platform sounds pretty neat, so I will keep an eye on this project.
Thanks for the positive vibes!
We want our freelancer platform to succeed and stay for long time and benefit as much people as possible.
Yes, we wanted to create a stable, trustable currency in which freelancers/employers and people not related to that can benefit as well, but we believe we need to prioritize our platform which is the core of our project, without it this is only another pump n dump coin, we are not here for that.