So I was going to remain poised in my views however because of the constant views of the users in this forum I would like to voice my two cents. To all of those who do not believe in a pseudo anonymous currency having the ability to be used as a reward system for goods and services I urge you to ponder this.
Your current Fiat system to which you have been born and raised to adhere to is based among the top percent becoming richer while the rest of the world remains at the brink of poverty. Even the middle class is constantly trying to obtain the newest trend while struggling to make sure their bills are paid. Look at the 2008 travesty. The only people who suffered loss were the middle to lower class while the top percentile profited.
We are trying to create a basis where we can avoid the use of a traditional fiat currency which is controlled by the top percentile to establish a beneficial structure for the masses who weren't born into it.
What is the crytpo currency world if not a movement into more socialist endeavors? We are creating the next generation of trade and bartering. If you are here for a profit then great however if you subscribe to the fact that working hard in this generation will eventually lead you to be one of the influential people in society you are solely mistaken.
We need to influence the world on making changes to the way we are used by the people who have the means to manipulate us. We need to rise up and take a stand to show them that there are other ways for us to live and thrive in this world. If you are happy with what your government tells you and take it at face value fine i urge you to watch this. if by then end you think it is all propaganda then good for you ignorance is bliss i guess but for all other people out their who have their own opinoin who want to make a difference in this world. LETS JOIN FORCES AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.... Otherwise this is what we are all
Enjoy being sheep and enjoy believing everything you are told on how your society is thriving while 99% are struggling.
That is enough of my rant I want to create a fair coin with a fair trade system and distribute enough coins to make sure everyone has a stake and a meaning behind this coin.