Minting on gold is no joke. I wish we would see more of it, but I know how cost-prohibitive it is.
Its cool that you were able to scale your operation from a moon pass to minting gold coin in less than two years.
Really shows what can be accomplished with effort and determination.
First of all, I want to thank you for these beautiful words, it's very nice to hear!
Indeed gold minting is very complicated. As long as the demand is there, I will continue to do so, I really like gold collectibles, despite the 2 releases, I personally could not acquire any myself.
For me it's a huge accomplishment in life which was doable in less than 2 years! and thank you all! because without all of you it would not be possible without your support!
And I admit that you have to be determined! I put all my time and money to make this possible too! it is much more than a passion.
Thank you again for these beautiful words, it's really nice to hear it.