As long as the board of directors still retains Ten Hag as coach, perhaps Manchester United will remain like this or worse than last season. Yes, every team has had tough times, but management moved quickly to prevent the situation from getting worse. Manchester United currently have great players in their squad, but they always struggle against teams below them. In a situation like this, the coach's ability to handle his team needs to be questioned.
Manchester United continue to put their belief on Ten Hag but recently they stopped the ambassador role of Sir. Alex Ferguson and cut some of his privileges too. Together with what they did with the legend Ferguson, they are trying to cut many financial costs in the club aim at their staffs. The club owner and managers are going to do what they believe as better financial cost and benefit management for Manchester United.
We don't know it is good or bad, results will be known in future but these big changes are big warnings to many people in the club, that no one is safe now and in future.
As Much as I can see that Ten Hag needs to go, I can see why the board are hesitant to fire him. Coaches need time and moving from one coach to another in short periods will further destabilize the team.
More than two seasons is enough time for a coach to build up good things in a club, it's what Ten Hag got in time budget, and in financial budget he got massive support from the club too with many star players bought recent years.
The situation is very tricky. Whatever decision the Manchester United board takes would be a risk or gamble. If they decide to fire Ten Hag and hire someone else or get an interim coach, it might make things worse and if they decide to stick to Ten Hag and keep trusting him, the team might continue slipping behind.
They did it with Jose Mourinho who got best results for their club after Sir. Alex Ferguson. People can dislike personal traits of Jose Mourinho but in results, he is the best for Manchester United recent years. He was also right about Paul Pogba but the club chose to go with Pogba, not with Mourinho. Years later, they are still failing in development, and Pogba is at the end of his career with a doping drama.