What libriary do you use to perform scalar multiplication and division (multiplication by inverse scalar). The multiplication and division is calculated very slow.... like 10-20 seconds for one operation. However one operation should be performed immediately i beleive.
Points addition/division is also made no immediately but with some 1-2 seconds freeze.
My python code performs 120-140 scalar multiplications per second on the same machine (faster by 1.5k times). So, no need to calculate just one operation for 10-20 seconds. For python I use gmpy2 C based library. Not sure which one should you use for Java.
If you improve the productivity it would be great
Thank you for the information and the feedback.
I think that's very good!
I use my self-written library Secp256k1: https://github.com/MrMaxweII/Secp256k1
When it comes to calculating time, it makes a big difference whether you multiply by a known generator point or an unknown point on the curve.
If there is an unknown point on the elliptic curve, the algorithm is different and much slower.
I don't know anything about other python codes because I only program in Java. Surely there will be algorithms that are better or faster than mine. My code is not particularly performance, but the result is correct in the end. On a powerful PC, the calculation takes an average of 2 seconds.
This is not particularly fast, but I find it sufficient for this purpose in this calculator.
It is not the case that they use this calculator to carry out mass calculations one after the other. It is not made for such purposes. When it comes to speed, you shouldn't use my library.
I am sorry, for this reason, I do not think that I will invest a lot of time here to make the calculation faster.
If there was a great demand and no alternatives, it would be different.