chicken65 + cantstump + Signal7
Notice after the dump, chicken65 wants to leave the project and hand it over to Signal7
I can assure everybody here, Signal7 is going to run away and not handle things professionally just wait and see
Everybody had faith in cantstump LOL and look what happened
He ran away and chicken65 turns up as superman saying he won't let anybody tarnish the trump
And now he changes his mind yet again and wants to hand it to his insider buddy Signal7
This is all fishy
Any here is my 2 cents.
This scam is being run by 3 people, chicken65, cantstump and Signal7
They are in it together
chicken65 = Biggest Scammer Ever (the owner of this scam)
cantstump = the scammer behind the pump n dump
Signal7 = the tech guy behind the scam
you bring up some points worth considering but it is all circumstantial evidence which in law is the lowest form of evidence to have.
Plus you forgot Sebastian. Who is this person in the whole schema?
I will admit this is perfect noob bait coin. And I am a noob so maybe I got taken. I can admit that. I am trying to move forward. You see my posts are mostly on this thread. So here we are and there we were. Happy Independence day! What would Satoshi do?