Here you go ladies and gents
Above is the "Introducing: TrumpCoin" promotional video, bout a minute long and ready to roll out.
If there's any changes you want included in the bio or the video itself I'm happy to accommodate.
I'll be 100% honest with you guys, I idiotically bought high when it was pumping about a month ago and missed out on some pretty hefty trumps. I don't expect any number but if you guys are feeling generous I'd love nothing more than to have 100k in Trumps to hold onto and watch grow (the amount I would have got had I timed it better as opposed to the 11k I goofed on ahah). I want to watch this thing reach at least 20$$ a Trump so I have no plans in dumping whatever little I can get my hands on. You're all the best and I'm stoked to be able to contribute in some small way. As well as the video above, I also have some history in generating viral attention and some blog/news coverage, the kind of coverage I think TrumpCoin really needs, so if anyone wants that I can do my best to get the ball rolling.
TLPSDWJfbZmHUf4oGEA4YKpKNN49toypyE (here is my v2 TRUMP wallet, would make my year if you guys could help me moon with y'all in any small way)
If you like the vid would be happy to contribute more, I'm also a designer and run a few marketing pages.
hey y'all glad everyone's liking it so far
will start shilling it heavy to news sites myself but try tweeting Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Milo Yiannopolous etc. to see if they'd cover it
Any journalist you can, it makes all the difference. Also any youtube "reactors" (people that discuss whatevers trending) and especially big boy trump himself. I designed the video to be aesthetically synchronous to his campaign's other content and the footage shown is pretty clearly pro-trump. I think the video could help him understand what it is a lot better (and therefore be more likely to endorse it)
keep it up fellas