Don't you love having a bitcoin address that starts with a name, something pretty, or just something that suits you? You can find them yourself brute-force using vanitygen, or I can make one for you.
How about 1Pretty3icg1......?Limitations- All addresses start with 1 (one)
- Most characters are allowed, except for l (lower case L), I (upper case i), 0 (zero) and O (upper case o). You can replace these characters by something else, 1HiDE would be possible, or 1HeLLo
- Finding an address is based on computing power, and luck. There are no guarantees
- Difficulty increases exponentially with prefix-length
- Addresses starting with upper case are (usually) much easier than lower case. 1Loyce takes the same amount of time to find as 1oyce
- A 1 (one) is extremely more difficult to find than any other character, so 111111 would take 50 times longer than 1Loyce
- 4 prefix characters are easy to find, 5 is okay too, but 6 (case insensitive) is the limit for this giveaway (and please don't ask for 111111, it is not possible)
- 7 prefix characters is too much for this giveaway, but I can make you an offer if you post your request.
New link
I'm closing this thread.
I've opened a new one: Pretty Addy Giveaway - part 2, feel free to request your addy there.InstructionsI can just create an address, and send you the private key. This means you have to trust me, my computer, my cat, both our email clients, and by definition it can no longer be used for cold storage. So let's not. Instead, use
split key:
Step 1: Goto move your mouse/type in the field until it shows 100% and wait a second.
Step 1.5: Optional but highly recommended. Download the page, verify the download and run it locally.
Step 2: Click
Vanity Wallet click the
generate buttion next to “Generate your "Step1 Key Pair"
Step 3:
Reply to this thread with your public key and the prefix for your address. Save the private key somewhere safe. You will need it later when I generated your partial private key. Also, let me know if your preferred prefix is case sensitive, or any case is okay (the latter is much faster)
Step 4: Once you received your partial private key, go back to and click on
Vanity Wallet.
Step 5: Go to step 2
Calculate your vanity wallet. In the first field put the private key you saved and in the second field put the partial private key I gave you. Click
Add and
Calculate Vanity WalletStep 6: Copy the Vanity Private Key (WIF) and import it into your preferred wallet. For paper wallets I like (download and use offline).
Credits to
shorena for most of these instructions!
If something doesn't work as expected, have a look at this
BonusTag this address on, so it shows up on with only the prefix instead of the full address. I have done this for
1foreverDArUNEX2gVD26vautcx3b8zTZ (the tag only shows up once there is a transaction).
WhyWhy do I do this? I like it! I've been making vanity addresses for a while, I now have more than I can ever use, so why not give them away?
I hope this will be a nice long-running giveaway, but I feel the need for a disclaimer:
DisclaimerI offer no guarantees whatsoever, I can deny any request that would take too much computing time, and I can stop or change this giveaway at any moment.
Donations are welcome:
1foreverDArUNEX2gVD26vautcx3b8zTZ (Balance: