Urban dictionairy entry: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=This%20is%20gentlemen
This is the second time I've seen that link claimed as being the first "This is gentlemen" post, but it's not. That was posted in response to the original typo, here:
I feel the need to point out, his comment "haha, had just gotten off work and was driving when i typed it. i wrote MACD too instead of EMA. please dont make this a thing =("
I reiterate, I would hate if a typo I made like that lived on like this.
Nah, he's cool with it. If you look at his comment history:
This Is Gentlemen by Daurgothothin Bitcoin
[–]qwsazxcde1 7 points 1 day ago
ugh, i may as well own up to it. Let the Gentlemen rally begin, Sir's.
And personally, I would be happy to see my typo become a thing. I mean, if you can't laugh at your own silly typo and have a good time, then life's gonna be pretty dreadful.