Since both those thing are not scarce, why would you back a currency with them? For example, do you thing anyone woul trust a currency backed by leafs? No, because leafs are very abundant.
Scarcity is relative. There is clearly a limit on the # of processors or # of hard drives that will fit on earth. The only difference is things like gold have nearly already been exhausted, while silicon/hard drives have not.
Voting will make the number of generated coins highly unpredictable. You are setting up a system prone to positive feedback loops that could create even more price instability.
I don't think that most people will vote altruistically or in the name of economic stability. A lot of miners will just vote for a very high number hoping to bring the weighted median up so they can make a few more coins. Once people get used to the fact that the block award keeps rising, they will vote for even bigger increases hoping to make up for the loss of value of their coins. Hyperinflation could result.
Even your idea of "vetoing" for upper and lower bounds will be "abused" for selfish means: Many miners will set lower bounds (that they keep raising) simply to make sure other voters don't bring the median down again.
If this is true, then if I wrote a bitcoin client that colluded to give miners more coins, they would use it. I don't think that's the case. I think people can understand that if they do these things, the coins they are generating become totally worthless because noone has faith in them anymore.
Here is a much less corruptible scheme that addresses your concerns:
Number of coins awarded per block = Difficulty
Simple, predictable, easy to understand by everybody, and likely to lead to (more or less) stable prices because difficulty is roughly proportional to the size of the economy.
See point (3). The problem is inflation due to Moore's law. The purpose of changing difficulty is to counteract the fact that computation depreciates.
And here lies the problem. A system that relies on hope.
The current bitcoin implementation, despite all its flaws, has one feature the gives it a huge amount of resilience: A decision that is in the selfish interest of an individual user is usually also in the interest of the bitcoin network as a whole. It doesn't matter who the user is or what his motivations are. Bitcoin is agnostic to things like hope and ideology.
In the system you're suggesting, a decision that is in the selfish interest of an individual user is detrimental to the network as whole. It's a tragedy of the commons of sorts.
I'm not saying such a system can't work, but it's a lot more vulnerable than the current bitcoin implementation.
No, a single selfish individual decision is not bad. 51% of people making them is. I agree with you this is somewhat troubling, and personally I worry that there may be miners who are not smart enough to see why voting to raise issuance is a bad idea. Fortunately the upper/lower bd gets around that.
Anyway thanks those who have replied so far for constructive feedback, but it looks like unhelpful persons are starting to show up. Before this thread gets worse, I just want to reiterate the following point.
We basically already have this system in place, but just implemented in a very inefficient way. If I don't like the rules, I must (a) write a new client, (b) distribute it, (c) explain/debate with other people why my rules are better (d) get them to them switch. The purpose of "hashcoin" would be to recognize this and streamline it,
making it very easy for people who are unhappy with the current rules to find each other and fork the chain. In other words, what I'm really proposing is not philosophical or economic at all, but purely practical: writing a client that has built-in-support for doing steps (a) and (b) automatically. Thus, if you are unhappy, you need only do (c) and (d). The goal is to write a system with the goal in place of "how can I make it so that, if people don't like this system, they can very easily change it themselves without having to write any code or forcing everyone to start over".
Indeed, I suspect there are people with economic backgrounds that have
much better ideas for parameter settings than I do as a CS. All I am proposing is essentially a system where such people can put their parameter settings into place without writing any code.