We won't get paid for spamming anyway...
PS. is my sig good now?
Obviously some people slip the net, but good luck collecting your signature payment when you can't PM Stunna.
Why I can't PM Stunna
What did I do?
Seriously? You said 'What's the problem?' I'm saying if you get banned you cannot PM or post, so that would be the problem.
But if you get banned because spamming, you wouldn't get paid even if you could send PM to Stunna, because Stunna won't pay for spammers
And how would Stunna necessarily know that they've been spamming? Read my above post where I said obviously some people slip the net. It's not like the user would get banned and then Stunna suddenly and miraculously knows or agrees that they've been spamming too. Some people have different definitions of what spam is or constitutes and that also extends to the mods too. From what I can gather from some of the users that have publicly complained about their ban, some seem like the bans might've been a little harsh, but others were blatantly warranted. Obviously I can only go on what evidence I see or have seen and that's my opinion, but others will agree and some will disagree, but that fact of the matter is people are getting banned regardless or whether somebody feels they are actually spamming or not or should be entitled to payment.