So what now? I see my sig has changed and the condition has changed in the mean time, since I joined in.
I signed for 0.003 btc per comment and I think it's fair to be paid based on what I signed for, not what the current conditions are, or else it doesn't make sense, tomorow you can change rules and say that you'd only pay SR/Hero members or not pay people althogether it doesn't make sense at all....
It is something like a force majeure (deeds of God, oh, well, theymos), so Stunna is in his own right to change conditions as he sees them appropriate. This is not to say that I'm happy about these changes either...
I can understand that, but the biggest issue here is the way it is done and the way the split is done
0.0001 for smallsignature jr+ nr + full members (which represent the majority)
0.0003 for bigsignature = Sr + hero members (which represent a very small minority of the people using the service and promoting PrimeDice)
There are a couple of things that should be considered here to make the situation fair enough for both sides :
1- Either increase the lower limite to 0.0002 to match the previous payout or allow multiple signatures
2- Hero members should be payed more considering the size of the signature and how much it stands out, considering how low the vast majority is payed (in comparaison to the initial payouts)
PrimeDice needs the community and the community needs PrimeDice, some who doesn't have the hashrate to mine bit or altcoins uses such services to get some changes which they can use to buy/sell other cryptocurrencies for example or even use them in cryptopockers dices and whats not