Note: This competition is completely managed by the users hui and Zoltan. Please forward any questions about it to
How To Play: Complete the Grid & Win Prizes!
A player clears a cell when he makes a bet with a roll that matches the number in the cell and posts it here.
For example, a roll of 88.32 will clear the cell with 88 in it (88.00 to 88.99).
A roll of 76.77 will clear the cell with 76 in it (76.00 to 76.99)
Once the player clears all the cells in the grid from 75 to 99, the player wins the prize!
Only bet IDs from
16,220,000,000 will count towards this promotion.
Check your status here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1R7rCX46Jhb45EMEgbosEq6PoOOlGwIYgSTuNv69x0lY/pubhtml Prizes: Most of these prizes make all bets +EV (Positive expected value) -- This means there is no house edge, there is actually a negative house edge! Please note however, as this is positive EV, you still may not actually make a profit. It is simply more likely.
Minimum bet is the lowest bet amount of all bet IDs submitted by the player.
Bonus Upgrade to Primedice signature and avatar to enjoy exclusive benefits in this and future contests and giveaways!
You must not switch your avatar & signature around. Primedice hosts giveaways often so you will be entitled to benefits regularly. People who do not hold the signature & avatar for the duration of the contest (Or at least majority of it) will not be included in the bonus. Once you set a PD signature and/or avatar, please leave it.
Avatar: Click hereSignatures: http://pastebin.com/raw/v76EyNdH Complete the grid and if you are wearing a Primedice signature or avatar, you get a bonus on top of the prize.
0.001BTC - Avatar
0.001BTC - Member/Full member Signature
0.0025BTC - Sr. member, Hero member, Legendary Signature
If your lowest bet is 0.01BTC or more, you get double the bonus. ---
Strictly follow the following format: Username :
Bet ID :
Bet ID :
Bet ID :
Etc. until you get all 25 needed bet ID's!
Note: You can post as many or as little bet ID's as you like per post. You don't have to post all 25 at once!
Fair Play Restrictions You may be applicable if you reach at least one of the following criteria
Users with negative trust are not eligible and only one claim per person/account!
If we find you abuse the giveaway we reserve the right to exclude you from this and future competitions.
1 ) 25+ Bitcointalk activity & Primedice account older than 1 year
2 ) 50+ Bitcointalk activity & Primedice account older than 6 months
3 ) 100+ Bitcointalk activity & Primedice account older than 3 months
4 ) 200+ Bitcointalk activity & Primedice account older than 2 months
5 ) 300+ Bitcointalk activity & Primedice account older than 1 month
6 ) 400+ Bitcointalk activity & Primedice account older than 1 week
7 ) 500+ Bitcointalk activity & Primedice account older than 1 day
8 ) 20+ Bitcointalk activity & over 100 BTC wagered
9 ) 100+ Bitcointalk activity & over 50 BTC wagered
10 ) 300+ Bitcointalk activity & over 25 BTC wagered
11 ) 500+ Bitcointalk activity & over 10 BTC wagered
12 ) Primedice account older than 1 month with over 100 BTC wagered
13 ) Primedice account older than 2 months with over 75 BTC wagered
14 ) Primedice account older than 3 months with over 50 BTC wagered
15 ) Primedice account older than 6 months with over 25 BTC wagered
16 ) Primedice account older than 1 year with over 10 BTC wagered
17 ) Simply 200+ BTC wagered
Please don't edit your post, but add new ones if needed! Competition closes on
03.05.2017 20:00 UTC.