I think what their governments are trying to exercise is their governance in this type of industry at the same time protecting those who transact and who you will be transacting with.
If you think the government want to monitor crypto trades and transaction for any reason other than they want a slice of the cake and they want to make sure people are paying the ridiculous taxes they have set, you are kidding yourself. Government invasion in your privacy has less than nothing to do with protecting individuals, and everything to do with lining their own pockets.
I think it’s important that as a user of bitcoins you are able to preserve your privacy at the same time, give just enough information so that activities will be monitored.
Absolutely disagree. The whole point of bitcoin is that you can make transactions without relying on third parties. Why should I be giving out personal information freely to help governments monitor me, when I can quite happily make transactions without doing any of that? If you want your government to spy on you and keep a record of everything that you buy and sell, then you might as well stick to fiat.
The state provides for cases when it has the right to interfere in our privacy and intrude on our privacy and restrict it if it considers that individual citizens abuse their rights and have caused or may harm the interests of the state or individual citizen.
If you have committed some horrendous crime, then sure, the state can invade your privacy to gather evidence. However, that's not what is happening. The state is invading
everybody's privacy under the false guise of "stopping the terrorists" or some other such nonsense.