secondly when you say "less safe" you should know that it does not mean "not safe". for example there has been millions of bitcoin keys used so far, i bet 99% of them are produced by a computer and an RNG. we only have rare cases where a shitty tool like wallet, etc led to losses due to bad RNG. the decent tools such as bitcoin core, electrum, and lots of others have never had such problems!
I agree that millions of keys were produced by a simple computer's RNG, and these wallets are still alive. For example, where are a lot of stories people mined in 2009-2011 years but lost their private keys on old hard drives and computers. In 2009 there was only one tool - bitcoin application - which generated the address for less than a second based on computer RNG. The first users even did not understand what was the private key - they had only bitcoin addresses showed in the application, private keys were encoded within the wallet.dat file. "Not safe" computer RNG was used or private key generation. Why have that early addreses not hacked yet? The answer is that the numbers in bitcoin are so large that "not safe" randomness "and not perfect entropy" is still enough to safe funds for a long period of time.