This morning, Bitcoin Core was hanging. I killed it, restarted it, and it took forever to load the wallet (which had grown to 2.2 GB during the rescan).
FYI, Bitcoin Core load whole wallet to RAM which may be reason of long loading time[1].
I think that the number is bigger, since some have posted them as images which you could not "scan".
My list is indeed not complete. I didn't search for Hex keys either, only WIF.
And with HEX, i expect you'll receive many false positive since 64 character HEX also mentioned as hash of a file, as block hash, as TXID or explaining SHA-256.
Coming from a newbie account? It may be intentional, some greedy members will want to outsmart the poster but the smart will get hunted in the end, I don't go after people's private keys or recovery seeds when I see them online, I believe no one is stupid enough to post them online, they did it to lure greedy people.
That doesn't make sense. Bitcoin don't have smart contract which can be used to perform scam through sharing recovery/mnemonic words.