.. bad disk?
On first post, OP mentioned that he ran disk (looks like with built-in windows tools) and RAM check, so it's unlikely. But if you have specific suggestion to test disk thoughtfully, you should mention it.
Well it keeps sounding like a bad disk, and no comment in the first post about that
He did mention CHKDSK 7 posts later,
but CHKDSK isn't by default a full check of any disk, and on a SSD even less so.
Make sure to backup the wallet (or that should have been done anyway) then,
at the very least run smartmon on the disk and check it's history and run a 'long' smartmon check of the disk.
Standard I/O to any disk wont cause errors no matter what you do, unless there's something wrong with the disk or the interface.
With an SSD, give it a few years at least before smartmon should start mentioning issues.
Though there are some altcoins that are
VERY bad for any computer drives, so if he's 'mining' any of them, then the whole issue is simply to expect failure and don't dare run something important like a Bitcoin wallet on the same drive.