Hello Traxo and @anonymint,
I appreciate your taking time to read the paper and provide feedback - it's extremely valuable to me.
Section 1.1.1 History or Costless Simulation Attack downplays...
Section 1.1.3 Nothing at Stake Attack ...
Introduction sections 1.X.X are certainly not meant to be an exhaustive discussion on the subject - I appreciate your providing additional details.
2.1 Summary states:
Approvers are allowed to approve as many blocks as they choose as
long as the approved blocks share the same parent. If not, the approvals are
considered conflicting and cannot be used.
Without clock synchronization this is the analogous flaw that I
explained is in Ethereum Casper's slashing conceptualization. The conflicting approval can arrive
at any time in the future. There’s no objectivity about the end of a slot or epoch unless there’s a consensus that makes the epoch final. And 100% finality requires a permissioned validator set and
⅔ quorums. Time is relative in blockchains.
I believe there are two (or perhaps more) things being considered together which perhaps are better discussed separately.
Item 1 - Clock synchronizationDiscussed below in this post.
Item 2 - Delayed approvalConflicted approval arriving late does not affect consensus since the consensus picks the block with most stored approval on top of the chain. Protocol assumes that approvals apply to a block and as well as its ancestry. Delayed approvals do not alter the consensus chain, they end up being ignored.
Item 3 - FinalityA protocol's stated properties hold within the bounds of the stated conditions. Let's discuss the cases (within the bounds of conditions and outside those bounds) separately. For reference, PBFT conditions
1. <1/3 adversarial nodes - no limit on stake
2. Synchrony required for liveness
Proof-of-Approval conditions
1. <50% adversarial stake - no limit on nodes
2. Synchrony required for liveness - chain freezes otherwise
Within the bounds of stated conditions Proof-of-Approval achieves finality within 1 block. PBFT achieves finality instantaneously within those bounds and even outside of them. While a claim can be made that makes PBFT far superior for that reason, perhaps the situation should be explored a bit more.
Is finality really relevant when the content of the chain cannot be trusted? A quick calculation regarding adversarial cost for taking over a PBFT chain follows.
The adversarial cost consists of 2 costs - cost of unpermissioned nodes and the cost of getting the permission. Unpermissioned node cost is about ~$70/hour per 10,000 nodes which is negligible. The permission mechanism can be endorsement, locked-up deposit, PoW puzzle or a certification by an authority - each can be converted to cost - cost to create a fake identity, cost of resources for PoW, cost of deposit or cost to bribe an otherwise honest node. If the permission cost is set to ~$100 per node, a network of 10,000 nodes can essentially be taken over by a mere $1million. In order to achieve $50million cost of taking over the chain, at 10,000 nodes, the permission cost must be set to ~$5,000 per node. I don't believe that is practical.
Let's compare that to Proof-of-Approval. It achieves finality in 1 block (within the bounds). Adversarial cost to go beyond its bounds (~50% stake) is likely to be pretty high.
The math of safety requires that (in the absence of a synchronized clock with slashing then) for a slot to be final then the quorum size must be
⅔ of the stake. @monsterer2
would be correct about the lack of safety margin in Proof-of-Approval— if not for the slashing aspect explained below. Without
⅔ quorums, the math is that there’s no safety because the overlap of dishonest validators in two elections is greater than the quorum percentage of
50%+1 and thus the finality is only probabilistic. With
⅔ quorums then the dishonest validators are at most less than
⅓ + ⅓ in any two elections which is less than the quorum size of
⅔. Again I refer readers to go read the derivation of the math which was linked already in this discussion thread already.
In Proof-of-Approval, there is no validator set. Approvals are created by the entire set of stakeholders. Since all stakeholders are validators in all slots and the adversarial stake is bounded <50%, a quorum of just >50% is sufficient.
2.2.5 Slot states:
Each party in the network has a roughly synchronized clock that indicates
the current slot. Any discrepancies between the clocks are signifi-
cantly smaller than the length of the time represented by a slot.
This means only users that are live can know which network messages arrived within a slot and it presumes that clock synchronization can’t be attacked. It also presumes that a quorum of users observe roughly the same network synchrony and were live. Those are already notable security weaknesses (potential failure modes) which I think your design shares with Ouroboros.
The clock synchronization has 2 components - the clock period and the clock offset. Parties can rely on their own clocks for the period. The clock offset is used for
1. Determining if a block presented is a future block and should be rejected
2. When to publish a new block
Item 1 is solvable by choosing a more complex chain height determination method based on the chains presented by nodes representing a majority of stake. The complexity comes from the fact that the stake must be determined from the chain itself.
Item 2 is fairly easy and can simply use a running offset from observed block publications on the network. Clock offset is not required for determination of validity of messages - block publishers use all (valid) approvals before they have to publish approval block for the next block creators.
The protocol does assume that during normal operation, a quorum of stakeholders is live. The incentive system of the protocol is designed to make larger stakeholders choose to operate on cloud. This is possible when the stake distributions are not too even (pareto like, similar to cryptocurrencies today) and parties are rational.
2.1 Summary states:
When the approvals exceed the required quorum stake, the block creators
broadcast the collected approvals to the network. Creators of the next block
would place these approvals inside the blocks they create.
Thus your consensus system has probabilistic finality analogous to Ouroboros. And unless your design has the cryptographically secure randomization that Ouroboros employs, then your design is not provably secure and is prone to the typical attacks on proof-of-stake such as stake grinding.
The approval stake
stored inside a block also determines the owners of which coin rolls are allowed
to create the next block. For every slot, the block creators build on the
block containing the highest stored approval stake.
I don’t see the cryptographic proof that this is sufficient randomization to avoid all proof-of-stake attacks, especially the stake-grinding attack which causes a proof-of-stake to degenerate into proof-of-work unless an oligarchy of stake is in control. Ouroboros apparently has a formal proof that their cryptographic randomization is complete and secure.
Theorem 3.12 shows defense against stake grinding attacks. To summarize here, the only option a "stake grinder" has is to drop some approvals from the block they are creating. That puts the newly created block at a disadvantage compared to other blocks and is likely to be not chosen (and defeats the entire grinding attempt).
Epoch approvals deter History attacks.
How so? Where's the security proof?
Theorem 3.6 your paper states:
Proof. Proof-of-Approval incorporates epoch approvals that are signed testimonials
of the stakeholders for a chain. Since epoch approvals are non-competitive,
provide large award and require little or no computation, all rational stakeholders
would collect this reward and in process, sign their acceptance of the
chain. Even if some parties are temporarily unable to participate due to network
issues, the fork selection process looks at union of all epoch approvers
between the competing forks. As a result, the “real” fork would have epoch
approval from nearly the entire stake and an attacker can win only by exceeding
it in their attack fork.
The long-range attack is a quorum bust (e.g.
50%+1) attack. Thus they can re-sign the epochs they need to. Thus this proof is incorrect.
Section 2.2.25 Preferred Fork Determination Procedure describes how epoch approvals work. Perhaps this example (quoted below) I provided to Paul may help.
Let's try with an example. The attacker has 51% stake (at block D) that he sells off in the honest chain (starting from block E) and then creates an attack fork from block D. Transferring attacker's stake takes more than one epoch due to epoch stake transfer limit. In this scenario, the attack fork wins only if the first block of the attack fork (block P) has more signatory stake than the first block of honest fork (E).
Let's count signatory stake at block E.
1. The attacker made a transfer in the honest chain. His 51% is signatory in honest chain.
2. The honest chain got some block approvals from some stakeholders in addition to the attacker. Let's assume additional stakeholders constitute 10+% stake.
3. The honest chain got epoch approvals. Let's assume those are additional stakeholders representing additional 35+% stake.
Total signatory stake at block E = 96+%
Let's count signatory stake at block P.
1. Attacker's own keys - 51%
2. Other block approvals? Not without bribing other stakeholders.
3. Other epoch approvals? Not without bribing other stakeholders.
4. Copying transactions from honest chain? Not possible since they have a recent block signature. (Only transactions that have hashes of unshared blocks are counted as signatory stake).
Therefore, the signatory stake at block P is just 51%.
The honest chain wins.
Hope this example explains that the proof is correct.
Theorem 3.7 (Costless Simulation Cost). Acquiring private keys for a Costless
Simulation attack on a Proof-of-Approval chain is likely to cost dramatically
more than acquiring keys representing a simple majority in past.
Earlier in this post I provided two scenarios where the majority of the stake could be obtained for free or nearly free in the past. So why do you necessarily assume the attacker has to obtain them in the present. Proof-of-stake are oligarchy systems. The oligarchy takes ownership and then maximizes the rents extracted.
Agree that the attacker may not need to acquire keys in the present and the wording in the paper should be changed to reflect that. Still, for a history attack to succeed, the attacker needs to have access to keys representing nearly all stake, not just 51%. Acquiring that stake under pareto like stake distribution is far more difficult and costly than just 51% stake.