If any of you can explain why 95% of users of Bitcoin would not (given enough time) accept a fork where they can:
- Take back control from ASIC miners
- Become the new miners, with their regular CPUs
- Activate Segwit
....then I'd be interested to hear it. Keep it short gentlemen, it's almost as if you believe writing dozens of paragraphs saying "it's not gonna happen... it's not gonna happen... it's not gonna happen... it's not gonna happen..." is a substitute for an actual reason
Who are you trying to convince, us, or yourselves
By far the simplest thing to do would be to implement Proof of Stake. No more miners. Bitcoin's holders certifying their transactions by themselves. If there's something able to "save bitcoin", it would be a passage to Proof of Stake. It has problems too, but at the moment, less than Proof of Work. Proof of work was good to distribute coins. But bitcoin is sufficiently distributed right now, and proof of work is not distributing it any more, and is the MOST HORRIBLE WAY thinkable to cryptographically secure a ledger. Proof of work is OK to burn seigniorage. To waste "unfair gains".
To switch to Proof of stake, there ONLY needs to be written the code. It is secure from the start, because only stake holders can cryptographically SIGN blocks. No "attackers" can do anything. Much, much, much less insecure than PoW. So just any dev team could write the code to have a PoS bitcoin fork. No need for miners of the new kind. No fall of bitcoin security. PoS is intrinsically secure and nodes take back the power they left to miners in PoW.
But it will not happen. Because in order to do so, you have to LAUNCH AN ALT COIN. And the bitcoin brand name is the only thing that gives bitcoin value. So if "switching to an alt coin" was what bitcoin users need to do, THEY ALREADY CAN DO SO, alt coins exist.
Bitcoin users stick to bitcoin because it is called bitcoin, and that's it. If it is not called bitcoin, they won't value it. Making a proof of stake fork of bitcoin, OR JUST ANY OTHER FORK that doesn't TAKE AWAY the current miners from bitcoin, is NOT GOING TO WORK, simply because as long as a majority of the current miners is going to CONTINUE MINING the way they do, THAT will be bitcoin, and THAT is what bitcoiners will value.
Because if they didn't, they would have switched to an altcoin already. They didn't (yet).
TL;DR: there's no point in inventing a new altcoin to save bitcoin. As long as a majority of the current miners continue to make bitcoin's chain like they do now, that's bitcoin. In as much as bitcoiners want to stay with the brand of bitcoin, they will stick to that. And in as much as they wanted to switch to an altcoin, they can already, more than choice enough.