and actually its people like you that ruin this community by slandering legit services, people like you are why people are afraid to use bitcoin.
You profile claims you are a legendary member, more like a legendary idiot.
Ouch, you hurt my feelings when you call me names. Now I'm crying. My mommy doesn't like it when I cry.
Put up or shut up. You have shown no legitimate operations. Look at your trust ratings. Many senior forum members speaking out about your operation. Only 1 newbie account to defend you. You are doing everything wrong.
You hide behind a brand new account. You won't show proof you are mining. You hide behind a self-moderated thread and delete lots of posts. Legitimate operations don't do these things. I will continue doing everything I can do damage you and your scam. Congrats on making an enemy.
I am so hoping to see you having to make an apology
I am not against you but your attitude and methods have left alot to desire. So much in this world going on and your making enemies with people on the internet that you don't know... Fun
You should read more aswell as on the post and on the other posts there are alot more people than just me (so no just 1 newbie)