So I just had few ideas about restructuring this board, posting them here. Let's hear your opinion.
[NEW]Entertainment zone: A place to talk about movies, video games, cricket and stuff. 5g is penetrating in India, cod-m was a huge success, warzone mobile is approaching, we could have gaming tournaments, who knows? Winnings paid in crypto
I think this comes under off topic and we can discuss it there.
I think entertainment world is huge, and everyone is living for it these days. it deserves it's own section. Off-topic has that aura that useless posts go there, so I don't think so, even wc cricket discussion is posted in default board, if it was posted in off-topic section, I think it would be having less visibility. I don't remember checking off-topic last time myself.
[Rename] Altcoin Announcements in hindi: Bounty translations posted here
This should remain the same and ANN threads in English should be posted here.
We could have Announcements as main board where users can post anything altcoin related and they should be in English while this sub (Altcoin announcenents in hindi) specifically for translations, or may be we could post regional language translations, hindi and every other language available, so sub name should be like, "Regional language translations". Latter sounds better to me now, but users should only be allowed to post in their language there only, rest of board English.
Deals and Offers zone INR: similar to desidime, a place to interact about deals and offers going around in India
Interesting idea but do we really have a lot to discuss about offers so that we can have a separate child board ?
I'm sure there are plenty, and Indians love offers.
[Remove] Regional languages: let's stick with one language for entire board (ie. English)
I think this should be there and further more it should have child boards forb altcoins ANN and off topic.
So that people can post ANN threads in regional languages and discuss off topic posts in their languages.
I have said above comment replying TheUltraElite why I want one language for entire board, I don't want to part of sub where I feel like an alien.
[Remove] Buyer and seller reputation - topics posted there are complete haywire of what that board was intended for.
I think this should be renamed to Scam Accusations instead.
I don't know what that sub is for if I'm being honest but I'm pretty sure topics there are irrelevant.
People may not know about crypto but some of above sections will help them familiar with the forum,I think that should be our first goal to make this sub lively.