There is no 100% protection, but as I said before, security software is just the first line of defense. In my case any threat is stopped before it caused any damage to my computer, that's why I recommended those programs.
There is no need to refrain from using hot wallets on smartphones, but these must be newer generation devices that regularly receive patches for security vulnerabilities. With some solid antivirus and caution when installing apps from the Play Store, any device with the Android OS is pretty safe.
I totally agree and advocate such an approach, it's something I've done a long time ago, and I can say that I'm sleeping a lot more peacefully after that. But even with hardware wallet users can lose their coins, clipboard malware or phishing attempts are a daily occurrence. In most cases, good AV or MB will stop crypto users to do irreversible damage.
I post about my PC, with only 4 GB of RAM and i3 CPU everything works pretty well, it all depends on the OS you are using and your hardware configuration. There may be a conflict with another program.
That's one of the things that the program does, it removes cookies and everything that is left after surfing/using PC. In my case, it is cleaning 200-300 MB of data after a few hours of surfing. But I am not using any automatic login, this was never a problem for me.
Steamtyme, maybe its time to try something new, most security programs offer 30 or more days trial, so there are no costs and risks.