While creating the new electrum wallet, is it recommended to extend the seed phrases and memorize the extended ones only. I mean write the 12 word seed phrases on a piece of paper and remember the extend phrase, this way even if someone sees your seed phrases on the piece of paper, he or she cannot access the wallet as the extended phrases is not known. Increase in security, isn't ?
Just be careful when you extend the seed phrase. I once did this and later I was not able to recover my wallet for some time. The mistake I was doing was that I was putting the correct extended seed phrase but there was a capital letter and I was entering small ones.
These extended seed phrases are case-sensitive.Wait, are you saying that you created a passphrase one way, but when restoring it you only got one character wrong and that character was lowercase, when in fact, the character should have been uppercase to correctly calculate the BIP32 root key where your funds were allocated?
You were probably using a
BIP39 seed and not an
electrum seed, because electrum seeds are not case-sensitive, even if you extend your electrum seed with an uppercase character, you can type the same character in lowercase and it will calculate the same private key, it is good to pay attention to this.
BIP39 seeds: They are case-sensitive, a single "wrong" character or even if it is correct, but one of them is used in uppercase or lowercase, results in a different private key.
Electrum seeds: do not have this differentiation.
There is a discussion about this in this