The world would be way worse if people like you ran it. Look outside your window. The only thing keeping another person/neanderthal from jumping into your house and killing you for your belongings is this society that you seem to despise so much. Once again I ask all you ULTRA-Libertines to LOOK OUT SIDE THE WINDOW.
Wrong, he despises the government and busybodies like you, not society. Law Enforcement is more worried about arresting us for simon says rules than protecting us from actual criminals. Murderers and thugs are far more afraid of the .38 snubnose I keep concealed on my person at all times than the cops. And no I don't have a concealed carry permit.
Well, I AM somewhat libertarian,
No such thing as somewhat libertarian.
You own a gun, I don't. I need society to keep me safe because I simply don't want to pack heat, I'm not familiar with it, and never have been attracted to firearms, but I respect anyone who chooses to own one.
Now I know for a fact that there is at-least one person in your life you care about who doesn't own a gun, and you rely on the system that we currently live in, to protect your loved ones. You see they may not own a gun , but people who own LOTS of guns are only 15 seconds away with a 3 digit phone call. You claiming independence from our governmental system is like a bee claiming independence from it's hive, it can sting once and die, but if it calls for help the bee triples it's power.