No he wasn't. You don't get to call the top every 10$ and still be right. Simply spamming the market with predictions and tops means you destroy your opportunity to be 'right'. Being wrong 100 times and suddenly the price drops doesn't make someone right.
proudhon and others could not predict just how dumb some people are. it is very
difficult to predict stupid when greed gets involved.
those who said this was a bubble were right. the bulls who preached that 5% gain per day
was very normal for this disruptive technology were wrong. proudhon and others watched this
same exact scenario play out last year and this was very predictable (except for calling the
absolute top).
got so tired of you weenies being so proud of yourselves and your paper profit. Now that it has
been slashed in half and more I am sure you will still figure out a way to spin it in a bullish fashion.
Most of you are probably still sitting there watching your paper profits decline another percentage
today until you are left with a loss for most of you. Well those who will admit it.
with that said, you stupid bulls, please get the price over 180 again. i was making a nice daily
profit from you dorks. Sucking USD from your wallets as fast as I can. And I was not the only
one. You were played. Scammed. Suckered. Bamboozeled. etc..