На общем падении рынка, хорошо налили, так что пока вывел чтобы проверить как выводы работают и сам кошелёк, вроде все быстро и комиссия не большая вышла. По нодам ещё нет информации, когда запустить можно и как вообще это работает. 1 нода минимум 250к монет, ничего не поменяли?
Ничего не поменялось с этим
Свапнуто уже 5 миллиардов токенов
https://twitter.com/alvinjayreyes/status/1199521909215395840Please all note that Kryptono is going to confiscate and benefit from the XPX left in there. Please all withdraw and swap them as their end date is near. We cannot help you once this is too late.
https://t.me/ProximaXio/71807Exchanges that have swapped:
Exchanges in the process of swapping:
- CryptoWolf
https://t.me/ProximaXio/71745https://blog.proximax.io/en/japanese-blockchain-system-integrator-lcnem-to-work-with-proximax-on-cosmos-integration - Japanese blockchain system integrator LCNEM to work with ProximaX on Cosmos integration
https://blog.proximax.io/en/btm-blockchain-technology-signs-system-integrator-agreement-with-proximax- BTM Blockchain (Technology) Signs System Integrator Agreement with ProximaX
A bit of progress:
+ We now have an exchange mechanism on our sirius-chain which will be part of the next PREDATOR release. This exchange mechanism will allow mosaic <> mosaic exchange all on-chain.
+ We have a preliminary design to include fast-finality consensus to increase the performance of chain for both public and private.
+ We also have a few research on different delegate validating schemes.
+ We deployed a few test network storage replicators and clients. Fully integrated with blockchain and incentivization scheme for storage nodes.
+ We have also develop the storage http/library for clients who wants to use storage/dfms for their apps.
+ We have preliminary implementation of supercontracts and an SDK available.
+ We built a POC of live streaming with full video communication capabilities.
+ Then we have a few MVP Enterprise Apps that'll will be done this month.
+ Cosmos/Tendermint integration is on going with the preliminary code here:
https://github.com/proximax-storage/xpx-cosmos https://t.me/ProximaXio/72082Ok. Give you an update on the mobile wallet:
+ Currently being tested by our QA and our Cybersecurity team. Audit is important so we're investing time on this. I'd rather have a working and secure wallet. We owe it to everyone who holds XPX.
+ We have optimize the code a bit. Developing a mobile wallet is different from desktop wallet. Mobile wallet code needs to be optimal and one inefficient code can lead to less than desirable performance.
+ We needed to change how the pin is stored and enforces the user to enter pin whenever the use exits the app
https://t.me/ProximaXio/72093Pleased to announce that
is one of the few blockchain companies and the only holistic blockchain development platform to be part of theTM Forum. Should open up new opportunities for our Sirius platform and we hope to play a significant role.
Web Wallet Updated (v0.4.
Download for desktop version will be made available soon
New features:
☃️ Send encrypted and hexadecimal messages in transactions.
❄️ Register namespaces under multi-signature accounts.
🎅🏻 Receive notifications for expiring namespaces (1 month warning).
🎄View number of pending signatures in partial transactions dashboard.
https://t.me/ProximaXio/72393Один из членов сообщества добавил Проксиму в свой кошелёк