Modern Medicines are of great help in case of extreme emergency cases. Life threats must be dealt immediately with these medicines to save life. But using it for each and every sickness is very much dangerous. All these medicines have side effects. If these cure one decease; they generate several reasons for new start of other deceases. There are some common deceases like blood pressure ; blood sugar; where these medicines have completely failed. The patient has to consume pills for life time. These do not cure; just suppress the level of BP or sugar, cholesterol etc. Not even a single man is cured by using these medicines. If you continuously consume cholesterol medicine; after 2-3 years it will be affecting your bones; kidney etc. So IMO that it is just foolish to use this lifetime.
Homeopathic ;
Ayurveda medicines are alternative having no side effects. I also suggest if one has option to use either of these two ; they should prefer these only. And if your baby suffers from some decease ; never make him habitual of modern medicine. Always get treatment for the baby from Ayurveda / Homeopathic doctor.
Third and best option is Yoga and pranayam. Yoga is not just physical exercise. If you can spare one hour a day in the morning; I guarantee that you will see the results in just 3-6 months. Your efficiency will increase. There is no decease in the universe which can not be cured under this system for if not 100% but for +95% cases. If you get your training from some expert trainer for few months it will be better. Or else your can follow . world famous Yoga master Swami Ramdev on facebook twitter etc. His videos are uploaded on you tube also. one visits India ; can visit his Ashram (institution) the Patanjali Yogpeeth at Hardwar where he himself conducts yoga classes. Stay; food of good quality is also available there. You may learn by watching his videos too.
In addition to above Pranayama (deep breathing exercise) if done for half an hour. 99.9% deceases can be cured. It is just free no fee. But with best results.
I have experienced yoga and pranayam.
Putting a name on something does not make it any more valuable. Ayurveda medicines? Never heard of it.
You might get really sick eating herbs, following a vegan, Ayurveda, vegetarian or traditional diet. You really have to know where the fish, meat, eggs, your fruits, and vegetables come from. Just because you call yourself Ayurveda or Vegan will not make you healthy.
Reducing stress, eating mostly plant-based diet, with lots of physical exercise (I recommend calisthenics) is the way to go. Learn how to cook, stop eating out, stop consuming processed food, stop smoking, drinking alcohol, read the labels etc. that is the fastest way to become healthy. Walk or run every day, do push-ups, pull-ups, muscle-ups every day and you will feel and look good.
Relaxation and meditation I have not tried, I'll give it a go. Seems like a good idea.
PS. If you have a stressful job, change it or retire early.