If the doctors were actually kind hearted people and talked to their patients to help resolve what was going on in their life, psychiatry would not be needed. It wasn't needed for thousands upon thousands of years.
If you truly want to resolve an emotional issue, take a psychedelic face it yourself like we have been doing for so long.
Back seat driving much?
Having had to place a 16 year old on suicide watch because he tried to hang himself I can tell you that you that once again you're foaming at the mouth. You cannot talk reason into someone who doesn't want to hear it. He even kicked his own mother in the face in the hospital. Sometimes the kindness of words just isn't enough.
Sounds like a lot of bottled up rage to me that's being caused by something, just shoving drugs into somebody won't help that, I've been pissed off to that extent before but I have good self-control so I never hit anyone, it's usually the removal of whatever is driving them mad that fixes the problem not any drugs etc.