That said, I've wandered off-topic. The StackExchange site is at 91% now! So much progress so quickly...
It's probably better to say that this thread is far more important than the i0coin and ixcoin forks that I've been poking at for a few days which have recently represented 3/5 of the "last posts" section for a few days now.
Thank you for bringing Vin Diesel to my attention. Nice choice, but as I've mentioned for it to this work properly, the celeb would have to choose to do this on their own, opposed to being drafted from the Bitcoin community. Of course, a bug in their manager's ear won't hurt at all, because the more the celeb makes, the more the manager makes. Think about that fact I just now thought of. Here's a great YouTube video of Vin Diesel:
Whoa there killer, it was meant as tongue-in-cheek.
I would say that it was a joke, but I really do believe that infrastructure needs more focus than promotion does right now. Also, realistic, immediately-attainable goals need more focus than fanciful, far-off goals (such as "pin the logo on the celebrity").
That said, thank you for your support.
Yeah, those too. I wish I'd never waded into them. They're fascinating to watch, but I've wasted far too much time doing so.
See how different this dialog is going oppose to me calling you a (insert any bad word here), and it all would of started because of a simple misunderstanding. I'm sure you've witnessed many back-and-forth exchanges on this board that didn't end well. I'm 51 with a lot of life experience under my belt, therefore I know how to handle ridicule (for lack of a better word). There's folks here a heck of a lot younger that simply post FU at the FIRST sign of being criticized. But enough said of that for it's Bitcoin...(needs a great Water Under the Bridge analogy--any suggestions).
You are so correct in stating that infrastructure is more important than promotion. It's somewhat akin to me wanting all of us to grow a garden, but no one has figured out how to get the land to do such. A lot of us are even making the mistake of harvesting the crops, before the seeds are planted in the ground, of which we don't have yet.
LMAO ---> Pin the Logo on the Celebrity
Your welcome ---> You have my support.
(I just reread this post after posting it and realized what I just did. First comment that Vin Diesel is a good idea, then agree with enmaku that we need infrastructure first--Pin the L on my forehead).