Can someone guarantee that there is not a single buffer overflow or some other vulnerability in bitcoin code present and future? And put a 21m BTC bond to make such guarantee worthwhile too? If not than we'd better have this off by default.
Otherwise, consider the risk of a 0 day exploit coming up and someone cleaning up balances of all nodes accepting incoming connections. This would be the end of bitcoin.
Without UPnP by default only supernodes would get robbed and they should know better than keep any decent money anywhere near node accepting connections. This still would be nasty but not fatal.
There is simply no argument against this risk assessment. Case closed.
P.S. vote whatever you want 'upnp on' decision will be vetoed either by Gavin or by Satoshi himsef. So do not rush selling all your BTC's just yet.
In a remote buffer overflow scenario all nodes participating in the normal p2p network are pretty much fucked, no matter if they accept incoming connections or not.
Consider the following scenario:
Attacker exploits bug and disables all public nodes allowing incoming connections.
Nodes *not* allowing incoming connections see their outgoing connections count dropping and try to connect to new peers.
Only nodes left accepting incoming connections are under control of the attacker and exploit same bug in nodes connecting to them.