Im not american but id love trump to get elected just to see what happens, hes got some pretty crazy ideas so im not sure how it would go but Would be a laugh to see from the sidelines.
Well... here are the options:
1. Trump as the POTUS: Ban on Muslims from traveling to the US. Hostile relations with the GCC nations. One-time wealth tax on High net-worth individuals, good relations with Russia.
2. Billary as the POTUS: War with Iran, war with Cuba, war with DPRK, war with Russia, war with China. Citizenship for all the illegals who are in the US right now, spike in income tax rate.etc
Which one do you chose?
People who put down Trump should be fired from voting. You think he’s so successful because he doesn’t recognize talent? You think he doesn’t understand the importance of a good project plan? You think he doesn’t understand the importance of common goals, leadership and teamwork? Now let’s look at Obama. He’s fired his jobs czar, his green czar, his IRS boss, his Obamacare boss, all of his good generals… Some were scapegoats, others were not falling in-line with his radical agenda. Hillary was even against his radicalness, but now she’s fallen in line because of all the outside money coming through her foundation (from the same donors who got him elected). Obama’s so bad that Putin’s approval ratings in the USA are higher than his. Putin is also more honest when it comes to Iraq and Syria. Watch his videos on YouTube. He knows many of these rebels are being paid by us to overthrow Assad. The refugee crisis is a direct result of our interference in the region as Assad would have crushed the insurgents without us.