
Topic: Putin have 2 options to stop war or get russia occupied by france - page 2. (Read 316 times)

Activity: 3472
Merit: 10611

What you've been hearing in the mainstream media that has gotten you hyped up is not about war and definitely not between France and Russia Cheesy
Despite their delusions the days of Napoleons and Tsars are long gone.

It is just jackals and vultures (namely the regimes in England, France and Germany) fighting over the carcass known as Europe after the dust settles.
The unions and coalitions have been weakening and will soon fall apart... They're active today to feed on the leftover so that when the 20th-century-style wars begins everywhere and everyday, each have "more" on their side.
jr. member
Activity: 154
Merit: 1
France army is ready now also the france have one of the best air force and plains in Europe.
No doubt that france will make everybody listening them even USA will start respect france.
However Europe want russia gas and oil yes and likely If russia don't stop war the NATO Will try to invade russia and then will take the gas and oil by Force by france command.
Europe want russian gas and If Putin give them reason they Will come and take it and china will not protect russia becouse of china benefits of strong Europe france Alliance and maybe Europe will give some land to china Also from russia If NATO invade russia it could be the case that they will put the pipeline of gas and oil and railway through baltics all the way to Europe and London UK to transport iron and other good natural resources from russia.
We don't argue here whos right or wrong or does the russia have rights to invade ukraine it's just the European collective forces don't accept "cavemen behavior "
You want to be better than other countries then be smarter work with economy work with political ways but don't just go in other countries to invade that's not anymore how the things are done.

Second point , the invading occupied Nation or country don't give no results let's say russia will invade germany ...that means russia can make bmw Mercedes cars? definately not and by making the inseners to work under fear doesn't bring desired results either so get the point.

Also no point to for russia to threat other countries with nuclear weapons the NATO forces are next to russia one wrong move by russia and all the NATO troops will be crossing the borders of russia Even If Putin manage to attack with nuclears the UK germany and maybe USA then he can imagine the anger how fast the NATO troops will Act they will be from finland and lithuania in russia in few minutes.
Off course USA are interested that Europe not going to be successful on this so the trump might come out the NATO but If that's the case the NATO will likely to attack russia If Putin don't stop ukraine war the france leading military operation in Europe and EU might not Even care about what the trump think about and Europe can work together.

Even If the USA will go out of NATO the Europe don't care the france and UK got Also enough of nuclear weapons.
Current situation is nothing else then just give NATO to cross borders and make attacks smart move is just stop it and that's it.
Stubborn acting doesn't make anything good we just don't invade countries anymore we Want to play over others we work with our financial system our foreign relations and so but we don't act like caveman.

Even in the street fight or drunk bar fight you think before you fight becouse it's not worth to damage your health maybe for life for stupid reasons we all should be adult enough to understood this.

What the world need to understood the globalisation and unity is only way to work together some country got the resources some countries got the educated people and good techology and so it means we all need to exchange together things what we have.
The most stubborn country untfortunately will get crushed we don't talk about who's right or wrong or who like other Nations its a out of the question now the old dogmas must fall and start the new ways.
We either live in peace and harmony as much is possible or the most ego stubborn countries will get crushed and In worse case completely destroyed and their political leaders changed and country will be emerged with other neighbours that way it goes it is how it is it's will of higher power Even much higher than our world leaders

Yes usa did UK and france a lot invasion of land,but it was before we live in now new times and this kind of behavor not accepted.
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