Gas prices in China and Japan are way higher than they are in Europe. Russia was effectively giving away charity to Europe for several decades in return for capital investment, lessening up on visas, et cetera - but it seems like relationship is dead now due to the Ukraine thing.
European gas bills are slowly going to be hiked up minimum 3 times within the next 10 years, so there isn't protests on the streets when Europeans have to pay international rates for natural gas.
Europeans will have to get used to wearing coats indoors, less they want to return to coal or frack more in Romania.
Natural gas is all about location. Location. Location. Location.
If you can't get it somewhere it is worth less there it is and more where it isn't. That is why natural gas is so cheap in America as well. The price will stay that way until the pipeline is built (4 years) or demand lowers (unlikely). Europe has a few years to change sources and MUST START NOW on meaningful plans or they will get quite cold. Except for France.
Can I Guess you're american?
What will this mean for americans, do you think? It basically means that the road to dollar collapse just got a lot Shorter. Russia and China will not purchase USD to trade between their countries, they will use their own currency. Soon others will follow. This means the Death for the petrodollar. That means: If my Guess was correct: You'll be wearing coats, guns and shoes indoors for some years to come.
The USA is in better shape then the naysayers would like to believe. Ten years ago the USA was reliant on imported oil and gas and had to pay for it. If this where to have happened ten years ago there would be bigger problems. Now the USA is a net energy exporter and is only growing output. People will have to pay for that energy in USD. Even if the market is small, the USA will not be hurt, it won't be purchasing much energy from hostile players.
Except China's trade deals with Russia, Australia, Germany, the EU, Iran, Brazil and a slew of others, and its recent massive gold buy up, and its heavy investing in green and futures tech, and a slew of other things has put China in the #1 spot, already surpassing the US in Jan/Feb as the #1 exporter in the world...and the US doesn't really do shit anymore but give dipshits in suits consulting jobs.
China doesn't have to set foot in this country to take down the US. They want to conquer the world economically and they're actively and systematically doing so while the US bloats and smugly hollers "we're nummer one!" all the way into poverty.
We will be hurt and hurt badly when China, Russia and others knock out the petrodollar, toss the US bonds, devalue our currency and send it into the ultimate unrecoverable nosedive.
We're not #1. We're #2. And living in denial. China can easily make the US its bitch. The arrogance of the oh so mighty US is the problem that will only make our Empire fall that much harder and more of a shock to the unexpecting.