Wheww, I felt like I was thrown back to high school straight to chemistry class with those names. What a trip.... the one that I don't want to re-visit anytime soon... please. Even when I type this, my mind is still ringing with the mnemonics for periodic table.
Well, I over-think this one (again), almost thought that this puzzle is extremely difficult because even when I found the sequence and follow the rules, I still got it wrong. Turns out, the answer is the easier one.
But first, let me clear the field and claim the whooping amount for myself
Step away, step away...
*arm swinging around to usher people away and make room*
*hand raised high dramatically*
*breath in*
*and... intended to speak in booming voice but turns out I inhaled helium gas (go figure how my voice sounds)*
Ultramaledicam Lex*now, I'm not sure if any of you familiar with this sound (I somehow am), but the one playing right after I cast was from HMBTN when your character heal your sick cow*
The answer is the next "sequence" for chemical code of 4-Hexylresorcinol, which is E587
I got 100 doge, thank you
Oh dear, almost forgot.. Luckily I checked back and see that I hadn't add this one. I wanted to use my key and unlock door number... 3 (Let's satisfy Cent's curiosity of what's hidden beneath)