Introducing new rules: RPG baby!
Handicap ✅ / ❎
A command to reduce someone's point for winning next puzzle to 1.
Activation: post with bold text #Handicap->user name
Active duration: till handicapped user proves his claim, no longer than 1 period.
Regeneration: no, can only be used once per period. Can't be used by person with highest score.
Cumulative: yes ( more than 1 handicap can be assigned to 1 contester )
Mana Ⓜ
Resource for magical spells (spells, usually hidden across this board )
Activation: vary (spell dependant) Duration: vary (spell dependant)
Regeneration: yes ( every 4 puzzle points gives 1 Mana )
Cumulative: yes ( can be gathered up to 4rounds )
Curse ⭕
Randomly assigned disadvantage(?)
Can consist of buffs or debuffs, puzzles trapped with
Curse are always marked.
Activation: upon puzzle solving confirmation. Regeneration: no. Cumulative: no.
Active duration: 24 hours
Known Items 🌂
(all items are eternal, last through periods and rounds ending, player can hold 1item of each type)
🗼 - magic beckon: redirects lost mana at random player [
more info]
🌂 - antieverything umbrella: Protects players against all kinds of stats disruption, one time use, passive.
🔑 - key: Opens magical doors, one time use at player will.
🔮 - crystal ball: boosts holders mana regeneration by 2 for next two puzzles solved, passive.
💣 - booby trap: subtract points from score instead of adding them, when marked player solves a puzzle
(invisible on the scoreboard while set). 1time use.
🔗 - magic chain: If a puzzle was solved by unknown user, holder of the chain can grab any unclaimed items.
1time use.
Rune Stones🈯 - green rune, doubles the amount of dogecoins received, when added in front of a spell.
🈚 - yellow rune stone, needed for runes transmutation, does nothing by itself.
🈵 - red rune, add it at the end of your proof post and it will triple the points for the current puzzle.
Remember to use it correctly, otherwise it will reset all your points to zero!
Companions🐁- tiny companion mouse, when released has 25% chance to fetch 4points(decided with random nr generator),
with successful fetch mouse goes back to the owners inventory.
😸 - cat, has 25%chance to fetch 4points, 50%chance for return to owner upon release(no matter if fetch
successful), cats can't coexist with rodents in the same inventory bag!
🐸 - Mr frog, his sticky tongue can grab items from a puzzle regardless of who solves it. 2times use, no need to
be preset (passive), does not work at night[17GMT] and weekends (he has family, ya know!?)
Spells ⛎
Two types of common spells are available.
Lex type spells and Hex type. Main difference between the two is mana usage.
Hex spells consume only 1Mana point upon casting where Lex type drains all your magic energy.
Some story's tell about uncommon, dangerous and vicious spells left by the elders... but that's just rumours(?)
Why use magic? Because its fun
Ancient sword shard with Apprentice scroll Apprentice scroll Magician scroll
peculiar engravings on it. Level 1. Level 2. Level 3.